新概念英语Lesson 7 Too Late.ppt

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新概念英语Lesson 7 Too Late

Lesson 7 Too late A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. 讲故事ING: 二十四小时前,女孩告诉男孩说她将要来上海了。 24 hours earlier, the girl had told the boy that she would come to Shanghai. ※Yesterday(故事中常常不这样用) ※故事背景是“过去时”,所以“将要”(will)也用上过去时(would); ※故事背景是“过去时”,“告诉”(tell)发生在过去的过去(had told)。过去完成时本课不做重点。 thief小偷;thieves复数形式 steal偷;was stolen被动形式 Lesson 7 Too late When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Lesson 7 Too late Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. take off常用的三个意思: 1)(上文) 拿出来 2)He took off his clothes and got into the bath. 脱掉 3)The plane took off at 8:30 a.m. 起飞 Lesson 7 Too late While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. 讲故事: 当Jason还站在雨中的时候,Bruce正在把Maggie带走。 While Jason was standing in the rain, Bruce was taking Maggie away. (本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同纯属巧合) keep guard at the door看门守门 guard门卫, security guard保安, prison guard看守, bodyguard保镖 来小结一下“A做某事的同时B在做另一件事”: was doing + while + was doing While was doing, did/ was doing. Lesson 7 Too late To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! 常用To one’s surprise作为句子开头 Check yourself The plane was late and ________were waiting at the _______all morning . They were expecting a _______ _______of ______from South Africa. A few hours earlier , someone had told the police that ________would try to __________the diamonds . When the plane arrived , some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. detectives airport valuable parcel diamonds thieves steal Two men ______the parcel_____ theplane and carried it into the Custom House . While two detectives were __________ _at the door , two others opened the parcel . ______ ______ _____ , the _______parcel _____ ______ ______stones and sand! took off keeping guard To their surprise precious was full


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