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Hello ! Everyone ! Nice to come back again ! NCE 2 Lesson 4 An exciting trip. 激动人心的旅行! Come to the new lesson ! New words and expressions: Questions to the text ! Read the text ! I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there , he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. Phrases(短语) a letter from… 一封来自……的信 has been… (他、她已)去过…… work for a big firm 在一个大公司上班 a great number of places 许多地方 has gone to (他、她已)去了 in the centre of Australia 在澳大利亚中部 fly to Perth 飞往珀斯 be abroad 在国外待 find this trip exciting 发现这次旅行很激动人心 短语(Phrases) 一封来自……的信 (他、她已)去过…… 在一个大公司上班 许多 (他、她已)去了 在澳大利亚中部 飞往珀斯 在国外待 发现这次旅行很激动人心 a letter from… has been… work for a big firm a great number of places has gone to in the centre of Australia fly to Perth be abroad find this trip exciting 课文链接(1) 课文链接(2) 课文链接(3) 课文链接(4) 课文链接(5) Grammar(语法1):现在完成时 Grammar(语法2) 现在完成时 Summary writing.(摘要写作1) 1)What has the writer just received from his brother , Tim? The writer has just received a letter from his brother, Tim. 2)Is Tim an engineer, or is he a doctor? Tim is an engineer. 3)How long has he been in Australia? He has been in Australia for six months. 4)Has he already visited many places or not? Yes, he has already visited a great number of places. 5)Where is he now? He is in the small town Alice Springs in the centre of Australia. 6)Has Tim ever been abroad before or not ? No, he hasn’t been abroad before. 7)Is he enjoying his trip very much


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