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Unit 7 Topic One Summary Thank You! 解放儿童组织(FTC: Free the children) Children helping children!! 由儿童们自主性地发起,并通过代言、领导和行动来协助世界各地儿童的一个国际性组织网络。 解放儿童组织于1995年有12个12岁的儿童建立,提出“孩子帮助孩子”的口号。如今,这个机构已经成为世界上最大的由青少年管理和领导的慈善机构,吸引了全球45个国家100多万名青少年参与,并在拉美、非洲、亚洲的35个发展中国家建立了450所学校;其中,中国15所。 poster [p??st?] n.广告画,宣传画, 海报 make a poster 做海报 soup[su:p] n. 汤 egg/ fish/ tomato/ tofu soup 鸡蛋/鱼/番茄/豆腐汤 pan-cake n.(薄)煎饼 egg/leek pancakes 鸡蛋/韭菜煎饼 blind [bla?nd] adj. 瞎/盲的,失明的 a blind man/ the blind 盲人 cookie [k?k?] n.小甜饼,曲奇 chocolate cookies 巧克力饼 cheese [t?i:z] n.奶酪 cheese pies 奶酪派 task [tɑ:sk] n.任务,工作 touch [t?t?] n. ﹠v.触,碰;触觉 get in touch with sb.和某人取得联系 success [s?k’ses] n.成功,胜利 imagine [?’m?d??n] v.想像,设想 1.My (t)------ is to find out the cost to go there by train . 2. Failure(失败)is the mother of s—-----------. 3.Would you like some vegetable s—------- ? 4.The man can’t see anything .He is a b—------- man. 5.Don’t t—-------- my diary(日记), please ! I have my own secret in it. 6.--Look! How fast he is skating ! --Yes. It’s hard to i—----------- that his leg was badly hurt two years ago. ask uccess oup lind ouch magine 1. 宣传发动准备(搜集克伯格有关信息,做演讲,制海报) 2.定日程(时间,地点,日期,参与人员) 3.做美食任务分工(特长优先,做炒米,包饺子,做鸡汤) 4.开幕筹备(现场氛围营造如横幅,爱心气球,主持人,背景音乐,服务员) 1.Craig is a twelve-year-old Canadian boy. ( ) 2.Craig started Free the children to help poor children.( ) 3.Free the Children built over 700 school rooms in the world. ( ) 4.Free the Children plans to build a school in Kenya.( ) 5.Kangkang will call Craig to get more information about him. ( ) F T T T F 1b 1.What will Maria do? 2.What will Kangkang do? 3.What will Michael do? 4.What will Jane do? She will turn to her teachers . He will get in touch with Craig and get more information about him . He will make a poster. She will think about how to hold the food festival . 1.know about sb/ sth.… 了解某人/某事 2.have /hold a food festival 举办美食节 3.turn to sb.=ask sb.


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