武汉大学 硕士 Unit 1词汇句子.ppt

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武汉大学 硕士 Unit 1词汇句子

Unit One Language, Culture and Communication Words and Sentences 1. (Be) fraught with (L2 Para 1):be filled with, full of something unpleasant 充满,充满……的 ---The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulties and danger. 2. Cement (L5 Para2) n.水泥;接合剂 v. to strengthen or make firm as if with cement 巩固, 加强 --- Our holiday together cemented our friendship. 3. promising (L1 Para 3) adj. showing possibility of achievement or excellence; bright 有希望的,有前途的 --- The results of the experiments are very promising. 实验的结果充满了希望。 4. upbringing (L7 Para 3) n. properties acquired during a person’s formative years; helping someone grow up to be an accepted member of the community 抚养;培养 --- A knowledge of her upbringing is basic to an understanding of her books. 要读懂她的书就要首先了解她的成长经历。 5. Suppress (L8 Para 3) v. to destroy or bring to an end by force; to prevent from being shown ---Opposition to the government was quickly suppressed. --- She could hardly suppress a smile. 6. Only with the assumption of differences, however, can reactions and interpretation be adjusted to fit “what’s happening”. Otherwise someone is likely to misread signs and judge the scene ethnocentrically. (Para 6) (1) Only+ adverbial (状语) 置于句首,用倒装结构。 --- Only then could the work of reconstruction be begun. --- Only in this way can we solve the problem better. (2) 表语+连系动词+主语,倒装结构 --- Promising are the cross-cultural studies seeking to support Darwin’s theory that… --- Present at the meeting were Prof. Smith, Prof. Brown and many other celebrities. --- Far be it from me to condemn him in any way. ( I will never condemn him) 7. wave sth. aside (L10, Para 8) v. refuse to consider or treat as important (esp. ideas and suggestions)置之不理 --- She waved his protests aside. --- My objections were waved aside. 8. tip off (Para 8) v. give insider information or advise,暗示,向…泄露,告诫 --- Raphael tipped off the Bennetts about this great place to hav


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