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荔枝 英文名lychee Lychee is considered the rose of the fruit world with its pearly flesh, tropical-floral aroma and delicate flavor. It can be applied in various food process, such as jellies, jams, marmalades or sauces. 荔枝被认为是水果世界中的玫瑰,有着珍珠一样的果肉,热带花的芳香和独特的风味。可以被广泛地应用到各种食物中,例如果冻,果酱,果子酱和调味汁。 英文名 Wax Jambu , Wax Apple ,Java apple Taste: sweet, pure and fresh , tasty and refreshing . Not only the flavor is special, also wax apple is excellent and will probably quench my thirst. smell: pale (Wax Apple has scents of apple) Taking the wax apple to smell its aroma before enjoying its refreshing taste. 味道:清甜,清凉爽口,不但风味特殊??,亦是清凉解渴的圣品。 气味:清香(略有苹果香气)在你品尝之前闻它清香的味道是一种享受。 杨桃 英文名 Carambola Carambola consist of sweet and sour .Big acid carambola fruit tastes sour, is usually used to cook or sweetmeat; people are used to eating sweet carambola . 杨桃分为甜、酸两大类。酸杨桃果实大而味酸,多用作烹调配料或蜜饯原料;人们习惯吃甜桃。 榴莲 龙眼 英文名longan Jane Longan is one of the famous fruits on Hainan Island. The shape is round and the skin is thin. Flesh tastes crisp and sweet with delicate fragrance. 龙眼是海南岛著名的珍果之一。它果形圆,皮薄肉脆味甜,清香沁肺. 芒果 * Follow me Take you to a wonderful place… Reasons for loving hainan Beautiful attractions Delicious foods Sweet fruits 兴隆热 带花园 The Kwan-yin on the water A symbol of peace,wisdom(海上观音) and compassion in China The ends of the earth and the corners of the sea is--- 天涯海角 海南四大名粉 海南十大名菜 文昌鸡 嘉积鸭 椰子饭 和乐蟹 海南粉 五指山野菜 临高乳猪 曲口海鲜 五指山小黄牛 东山羊 Wenchang chicken The chicken, Hainan most has the great reputation the traditional famous cuisine. Is known as “four big famous cuisine” the head. Hele Xie Original, crab meat, fresh cream yellow like the salted egg yolk, delicious taste, rich nutrition ingredients: fresh Jiaji duck Dongshan goat Tropical fruits, some of which are in high demand all over the world, have been eaten by humans for centuries. Coconut, mango, banana, pineapple, guava and so on add color and variety to the diet. However, some of them, for example, sugar apple, wax apple , and guava are not


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