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牛津5B知识点 Module1 Unit1  Wrise升起,起床=get up shadow影子 high高的 low低的the block’s shadow大楼的影子 the girls’dresses 女孩们的裙子 in the afternoon in the evening go down落下 inside在…里面 outside在…面 behind in front of在…前面 in front of him beside/near/next to在…旁边 hide and seek捉迷藏 durian榴莲 cherry樱桃 plum李子 strawberry grape葡萄 flat公寓a pair of glasses一副眼镜 on your head 在你头上 Sentences: 1. The sun rises in the morning. 一般疑问句 Does the sun rise in the morning? 2. The sun goes down in the evening. 否定句 The sun doesn’t go down in the evening. 3.-I have got some cherries.一般疑问句Have you got any cherries?-Yes,I have. -Red ones or green ones?-Red ones, please. 4. Cut out your shadow. 5. -Ben, I can’t see my glasses. -Where are they?                          Unit2 : quiet安静的 loud大声的 speak loudly大声说 lady女士 ladies) asleep睡着的 awake醒着的 hammer锤子 screwdriver起子,螺丝刀 both+名词复数both hammers两把锤子 full满的 empty paper cup一个空musical instrument乐器 shake摇动 shaker摇杯 bean豆 tie系 string绳 circle圆形 square方形 round圆的 be angry withthe girl on the bike自行车上的女孩 Be careful!小心Be quiet!安静 too loud太吵了 a piece of paper一张纸 1. Ben rides his bicycle to the shop. 改成现在进行时 Ben is riding his bicycle to the shop. 2. Ben, be quiet! Ben,保持安静 3. Give me a hammer. 同义句 Give a hammer to me.4. Do you want both bottles? -No, the empty one. 你想要两个瓶子吗? 5.The two old ladies are asleep. 这两个老妇人是睡着的。 Unit3 Words: fluff绒毛 fluffy毛茸茸的 shine照耀 shiny发亮的 parcel包裹 cushion垫子 warm/cool soft/hard rough/smooth sharp/blunt add加入 pencil case铅笔盒 lunch box午餐盒too small 太小了 child-children move移动 形代加名词名代单独用my-mine我的 your-yours你的,你们的 his-his他的her-hers她的 its-its它的 our-ours我们的 their-theirs他们的 1. This is my parcel. =This parcel is mine. 这是我的包裹 2. Is that your cushion? = Is that cushion yours? 3. Alice is making a mask. What is Alice making? 4. She likes to sing. = She likes singing. (like to do=like doing) 5.That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。 6.Colour the cat black.把那只猫涂成黑色。 7.感叹


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