现代大学英语10 before and after 9-11.ppt

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现代大学英语10 before and after 9-11

Lesson Ten Before and After September 11 Background information Refer to the video. Detailed study of the text Part I (Ps1-6) This section gives a general description of the change in the United States after September 11. “The events of Sept. 11 divided our world into two radically different eras.” Questions on this part: 1. What does the essay begin with? 2. Why does the writer call it “a new age of anxiety”? 3. How did Ken Kesey analyze the nature of the war? Language points in Part I: 1.Note the use of comparison in P2: Vice president whisk from place to place Bin Laden is moved from cave to cave 2.(P4) Leading the charge….repressive agenda. Those in the Department of Defense and the generals in the armed forces are planning to carry out the plan of expanding the power of law enforcement agencies at home (Patriot Act) and of striking at the “axis of evil” abroad so as to extend American domination into areas originally beyond American reach, such as Central Asia. Hence, the colonization of the future. 3. (P5) a growing chorus of dissenting voices: More and more people join in expressing their opposition Question the rush toward becoming a security state: Challenge the wisdom of taking hasty, not well-thought-out measures to put homeland defense over everything else 4. (P6)The men in suits…in hiding. Ken Kesey uses four “the men in ”phrases to refer to four different types of people. the men in suits ----officials The men in uniforms----military officers The men in turbans----the Taliban The men in hiding ---- bin laden and other leaders of al Qaeda who were said to hide in Afghanistan Translate some Ss into Chinese: (P2)The president ….stadium rooftop. 美利坚合众国总统出席观看全国棒球赛,于是纽约扬基体育场上空的空域关闭,禁止飞机通过。在体育场的屋顶上,部署了一排阻击手。 2. (P5)...that has been largely ignored…multihued. 主流媒体基本上不反映这种情况,它们认为公众的想法只有红、白、蓝三色,殊不知人们情感、思想、观点的色谱就和美国本身一样,是多彩的。 Part II (ps7-11) The writer goes a step further into analyzing the cause of the change --


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