现代大学英语精读3 lesson7.ppt

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现代大学英语精读3 lesson7

disclosure(p47):giving new or secret information The public is shocked by insufficient ~ and deliberate concealing of negative information about Anron. Unauthorized newspaper ~s未获批准未经授权的消息披露 Unit 7 The Rivals Text A ? About the Author ?MARTIN ARMSTRONG (1882 - 1974) ?Armstrong was born at 2 Jesmond Gardens, Newcastle. ? The family was well-to-do and Armstrong recalled his comfortable childhood in the novel Victorian Peep-Show (1938). After university studies he became a journalist and novelist. ?He published two novels, Lover’s Leap and Snakes in the Grass, eight collections of short stories and poems. Background information This text describes an interesting conversation that takes place in a train between two Englishmen. Its chief merit is the quick wit displayed by both parties, and the charm of the English language used in this verbal fencing. Introduction to the Text In this story, the author describes two gentlemen who meet on the train. One of them does a very unusual thing, which results in a strange conversation between them. The conversation is full of fencing and rivalry, and in the end, it turns our that the one that appears to be less smart at first is just as sharp as the other. destination(p1) A popular holiday destination 旅游胜地 London seems destined to lose some of its best talents. The Song sisters knew they were destined for great things. send products destined for Saudi Arabia. We are masters of our own destiny. Companion(p1):sb you spend time with or are traveling with Fred has been her constant ~ for the last 5 years. My traveling ~ Cf. company Company: the state of having other people with you, usu. Pleasant. Ross always enjoys the ~ of women. I’m grateful for their ~ on my way back. You are in good ~, for the prime minister made a similar slip before. (不必觉得丢脸,因为名人也如此) have ~ ; in ~ ; keep ~ ; in ~ with sb; keep ~ with sb Kuwait, in ~ with other Gulf oil states, is concerned


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