现代大学英语精读第二版第二单元 Word Study.ppt

现代大学英语精读第二版第二单元 Word Study.ppt

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现代大学英语精读第二版第二单元 Word Study

Lesson 4—The Boy and the Bank Officer B T L E W Word Study Word list: account authority damn fortyish interfere mustache neighborhood shrug (Body Language) withdraw Word Study 1. account n. an arrangement that you have with a bank to pay in or take out money Example: My salary is paid directly into my bank account. ① take account of sth./take sth. into account: to consider or include particular facts or details when making a decision or judgment about sth. Example: These figures do not take account of changes in the rate of inflation. To be continued on the next page. Word Study 1. account ② on account of: because of sth. else, especially because of a problem or difficulties Example: He can’t run very fast on account of his injured leg. Word Study 2. fortyish adj. at about the age of forty -ish 1) somewhat, near to: reddish, greenish, yellowish, darkish 2) in the manner of: foolish, childish, boyish, womanish, snobbish 3) of a country, such as Irish, Polish, Finnish, Spanish, etc. Word Study 3. mustache n. hair growing on a man’s upper lip, esp. deliberately grown into a particular shape Word Study n. (the authorities) organizations that are in charge of a particular country or area Example: British police are in cooperation with the Malaysian authorities. 4. authority Word Study 5. withdraw v. a. to take money out of a bank account Example: Liz withdrew $100 from her account. b. to remove sth. or take it away or take it back, often because of an official decision Example: She withdrew a document from her briefcase. c. not to take part in Example: Injury forced Clare to withdraw from event. To be continued on the next page. Word Study 5. withdraw d. to leave a place, esp. in order to be alone or go somewhere quiet Example: We withdrew to the garden for a private conversation. e.


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