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Simulationofelectro-slagre-meltingprocessof120t largeingotfornuclearpower station andits application*Liu Xihai1, Wang Junqing1, Jia Weiguo1, Gao Jianjun2, Zhao Lin2, and Tang Zuobin2(1. School of Materials and Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, Liaoning, China; 2. China First Heavy Industries, Qiqihar 161042, Heilongjiang, China)Abstract: Further research on metallic materials for the super critical rotator and the main pipe line of a nuclearpower station is very important for developing the nuclear power industry. In this study, the mathematical model for120 t large ingot was established, and the computer program ESR3D was developed to simulate the whole electro-slagre-melting (ESR) process. This includes the electrode melting, metallic droplet falling, metal pool forming, metalpool and slag pool rising and moving, installation of top crystallizer, ingot solidifying, etc. The simulated averagemelting rate of the electrode was in good agreement with that in practical production. The optimized parameterswere used to produce 80-120 t large ingots, and the quality of the ingots satisfied the specifications of nuclear powerand the super critical generating unit.Key words: large ingot; electro-slag re-melting; numerical simulation; melting rate of metallic electrodeCLC numbers: TG 142/TP391.9 Document code: A Article ID: 1672-6421(2011)04-413-05The as-cast structure of an ingot is gradually worsenedwith its increasing size and weight, which results in theincrease of shrinkage, porosity, segregation and inclusions,as well as other metallurgical defects. The ingot produced bythe electro-slag re-melting (ESR) process, not only be freeof shrinkage, porosity and entrapped slag defects, but alsohas dense structure, uniform composition and is isotropic;its mechanical properties are obviously improved. Thereforeusing the ESR technique to produce a large ingot is an idealmetallurgical technology. As complicated metallurgical,physical and chemical changes may oc


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