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Do you know the man and his music? Music in our life Music functions Make things more lively and interesting. Make things better for people to understand and enjoy. Express people’s feeling. Make people feel good. Help people forget their pain. Attract people’s attention. Help people to remember things well. …… Step 2 Intensive reading (Ⅲ) Read paragraph 6 and 7 about Beethoven and decide if these sentences are true (T)or false (F)(5 minutes) Beethoven was born in ( ) Beethoven learned to play the violin and piano from his father ,who was a singer.( ) Beethoven met Hayden in . ( ) Hayden encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.( ) When Beethoven became completely deaf , he composing .( ) Writng techniques of the text What is the purpose of the writer to write the text? The author speaks highly of the three famouse composers. The text serves as a good example on how to write a personal introduction. Questions: How do they listen to music? Are they happy with the way they listen to it? What does Anna offer to do for Tom? No sooner than 一……就…… No sooner had he arrived than he went away again. no sooner… than… 用于句首要求倒装 Hardly …when… Scarcely …when… Once you see him, you will never forget him. Once 一但……就…… Every time, each time 每次whenever 每当 Each time he came to town, he would visit our school. Whenever we met with difficulties, they came to help us. 外研版必修2 “Module 3 Music Period 3 Writing and Function” Dictation court, director, genius, harpsichord, impressed, lose, musical, peasant, piece, singer ,successful, symphony, talent, teenager Lead in We have read or written emails in our daily life, especially with foreign friends or teachers .We know that it is very important in our daily communication. Do you know how to write an email? How to write an E-mail 1. Read this e-mail first and think about how to write an e-mail. 2. The form of an e-mail: Heading(开头敬辞):如Dear Mr. LI, Dear Tom等。 Bo


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