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Every experience teaches the child something and the effects are cumulative. “Upbringing” is normally used to refer to the treatment and training of the child within the home…which is usually distinguished by the term “education” … upbringing and education are interdependent.(P1-L2) 每一种经历都会教给孩子一些东西,而且其影响也在日积月累。抚养通常指在家里对孩子的培养和锻炼;这和学校对孩子的培养的区别则在于学校所做的通常被称为“教育”。父母的抚养和学校的教育相辅相成、缺一不可。 cumulative 聚积的,渐增的 the cumulative effect of human activity on the world environment 人类活动对世界生态环境日积月累的影响 upbringing 抚育, 培育, 教养 interdependent 互相依赖的,互相依存的 In general, the more rural the community, the more uniform are the customs of childhood upbringing. In more technologically developed societies, the period of childhood and adolescence tends to be extended over a long time, resulting in more opportunity for education and greater variety in character development. (P2-L1) 一般说来,社会中农业所占的比重越大,抚养孩子的方法也就越相同。在科技更发达的社会里,童年和青少年时期往往大大延长,结果儿童就有更多的受教育的机会,儿童性格的发展就更多样化。 Early upbringing in the home…depend not only on upbringing and education but also on the innate ability of the child. Wide differences of innate intelligence and temperament exist even in children of the same family.(P3) 早期的家庭抚养同时不仅受到孩子抚养和教育的制约,还受孩子先天能力的制约。即使在同一个家庭里成长的孩子,其智力和性情都存在着巨大的差异。 innate 天生的,固有的 a society in which individuals could develop their innate abilities and capacities. 个人可以发挥其天生才干和能力的社会 temperament n. 性格; 气质 Parents can ascertain what is normal in physical, mental and social development, by referring to some of the many books based on scientific knowledge in these areas, or, less reliably, since the sample is smaller, by comparing notes with friends and relatives who have children. (P4) 父母可以通过阅读某些儿童教育领域的科技知识图书,也可以通过与有孩子的亲朋好友比较抚养的记录,来弄清楚孩子的体格发育、正常的智力和社交能力的发展是否正常,尽管后者由于实例较少而没有前者获得的知识更具可靠性。 Intelligent parents, however, realize the particular setting of each family is unique, and there can be no rigid general rules. (P5-L1) 然而有头脑的父母意识到每个家庭都有其 独特的背景,不可能用严格的通用的模式 来抚养孩子。 rigid 严格的; 僵硬的 【Synonyms】 adamant ,s


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