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Review A sentence can be discussed in terms of: 1) Grammatical meaning 2) Semantic meaning Boys are boys. It’s not enough to study the meaning of a sentence only in terms of grammatical meaning and semantic meaning What a fool! A1: Gosh! I forget to bring the key with me. A2: What a fool! B1: Your boyfriend has been waiting for you in the rain more than an hour. B2: What a fool! C1: The volunteer taught in the remote primary school for ten years. C2: What a fool! Pragmatics 1.Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of language. 2.Pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of meaning not captured in a semantic theory. Definition 3.(语用学似乎成了语义学什么都可以往里仍的“废纸篓”。(熊学亮 2003:140)) 4.Pragmatics is the study of the relations between language and context that are basic to an account of language understanding. Definition 5.Pragmatics is the study of deixis, implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and aspects of discourse structure. (Levison 1983: 6-27) 6.Pragmatics is the study of linguistic acts and the contexts in which they are performed. (Stalnaker 1972: 383) 7.Pragmatics is a theory which seeks to characterize how speakers use the sentences of a language to effect successful communication. (Kempson 1975: 84) Definition 8.Pragmatics is the theory of language use and linguistic communication. (Akmajian 1979: 267) 9.Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how utterances have meanings in situations. (Leech 1983) 10.Pragmatic is the science of language seen in relation to its users. (Mey 1993: 5) 11.Pragmatics is the study of meaning in interaction. (Thomas 1995: 22) Definition 12.Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). (Yule 1996: 3) 试图去比较各种不同的定义之间的优劣是没有意义的。它们的差别只不过是个侧重面和措辞的问题,它们的共同点是它们都围绕了语言交际中的意义这同一个中心。各种说法不一的定义的存在有利于加深我们对语用学这门学科的理解。(何兆熊等 2000:10) Definition Pragma


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