第六讲 汉英句子翻译3.doc

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第六讲 汉英句子翻译3

第六讲 汉英句子翻译(三) 第三部分:“是”字句、“有”字句、变式句及长句等特殊句子的翻译 “是”字句的翻译 大家知道,英语的be (am, are, is, was, were, will/shall be) 不一定翻译成汉语的“是”。 He is tall. 他个子高。 I’m very happy today. 我今天很高兴。 What will you be after graduation? 你毕业后打算做什么? 与此相似,汉语中的“是”字句的英译也要酌情处理。 她是南阳人。 She is from Nanyang. 一粒种子所显示出来的力,简直是超于一切,这儿又是一个故事。 The force displayed by a plant seed is simply incomparable. Here goes another story. 他心里那一团火,也像乡下人。那一团火是热,是力,是光。 Again like a countryman, he has a heart as warm as fire radiating warmth, power and light. 有人喜欢海 是风平浪静的时候 有人喜欢海 是波涛汹涌的时候 Some like the sea When it is calm and tranquil. Others like it When the waves are roaring. “有”字句 汉语中包含“有”的无主句较常见,翻译成英语时切记: 1. 少数情况下可用“there be”句型(该句型一般表达某空间里客观存在某物,be有存在的意思: 如 state of being; human beings; I think, so I am.——我思故我在。)例如: 屋里有十来个人。 There are about a dozen people in the room. 树上有两只小鸟。 There are two birds in the tree. 有时,带有主语的“有”字句也可用“there be”句型。例如: 你的话很有道理。 There is a lot of sense in what you say. 形势有了新发展。 There are new developments in the situation. 2. 许多情况下,尤其是“有”后边的名词带有没有主语的从句时,不用“there be”句型,而要酌情处理。例如: 很久很久以前,有个老妪住在山里…… * Long, long ago, there was an old woman who lived in the mountain (living in the mountain)… *…there was an old woman lived in the mountain. Long, long ago, an old woman lived in the mountain… 世间也有不少在学问上有成就的人,并不具备这些条件。 * In the world, there are also many people who have achievements (get success) in studying don’t have these conditions. * In this world there are also many people have achievements in study don’t have these conditions. In this world, many people without those conditions have also done well (succeeded / made achievements) in learning. 有人说可以,有人说不可以。 * There are some people who say yes, there are some people who say no * There are some people say yes, there are some people say no. Some say yes, while others say no. 一有问题就去解决。 *Once have problem, go to solve. The problem should be dealt with as it crops up. 卷上有好多题我都不会做。 In the paper, there are many problems (that / which) I can’t solve. 短文中许多词我不认识。


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