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信息工程学院 毕业论文(设计) 网络课程学习网站系统的设计与实现 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 2017 年 3 月 23 日 网络课程学习网站系统的设计与实现 信息工程学院 信息与计算科学专业 2012032636 张XXX 指导教师:XX 【摘要】目前各个高校中,计算机专业课程具有知识体系更新较快,目的性强的特点。随着时代的进步与发展,高校逐渐将提升学生动手能力及创新能力等综合素质作为首要任务。当前时代的进步导致各行各业都积极利用计算机、网络等技术提升自身竞争力,同样高校教学也不例外,当今已是数字信息时代,所以利用计算机多媒体进行教学势在必行。但是当前的实际情况确实,虽然各个高校积极利用电脑多媒体,但教学的内容却不落俗套,只是简单的教材搬家而已,老师只是将课本内容转移到电脑上,利用幻灯片的方式进行教学,这种方式与传统的书本教学实质确实一样的,并没有进行实质的创新。此种简单的搬家式教学并没有实现以学生为中心,还是从教师的角度进行教学,忽视了以学生为主体,忽视了培养学生的动手能力和创新意识等综合素质。根据当前这种情况,结合当前高校这样嫁接式教学的弊端,制定出一种集成网络课程教学网站系统与教学管理等系统的高校教学信息化整体解决方案。利用教学信息化的理念,结合实际的技术理论,提出了一整套创新型的信息化教学方案,系统采用PHP技术实现,并利用轻型快速的MYSQL数据库为数据源,采用开源的apache为服务器进行系统的实现。 【关键词】毕业论文;毕业设计;教学;高校;信息化 Computer courses teaching support website—Student subsystem design and implementation Information Engineering School of information and Computing Science 2012032636 XXX Instructor: XX 【Abstract】At present, the curriculum of computer science has the characteristics of quick updating of knowledge system and strong purpose. With the progress and development of the times, colleges and universities gradually improve the overall quality of students practical ability and innovation ability as the primary task. The current era of progress in all walks of life are actively using computer and network technology to enhance the competitiveness of their own, the same teaching is no exception, now is the era of digital information, so the use of computer multimedia teaching is imperative. But the current situation, although various colleges and universities actively using computer multimedia teaching, but the content is simply moving materials conform to no conventional pattern, only, the teacher just transferred to the computer on the contents of the textbooks, teaching the use of slide ways, this book teaching essence and the traditional did the same, and no substantive innovation. This simple move te


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