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翻译与写作 答案

Key to Exercises: Unit 1 Exercise I: 1. 普通教育除了专业训练的内容外,还指对人的全方位的培养过程。 2. 从严格意义上来说,大学是为了把普通学生教育成为有文化修养、具备优秀专业技能的人。 3. 大学是一个推动探索、使各种发现得到不断完善和证实的地方; 在那里,轻率和鲁莾变得无伤大雅,错误通过思想与思想之间、知识与知识之间的碰撞会暴露无遗。 4. 以科研作为主要的教学手段,教授的作用在于把科研和教学结合起来——科研活动转变成为一种学习的模式。 5. 获取信息和理解信息是最基本的人权,而我们现在拥有人类历史上前所未有的信息量。 6. 信息对个人和社会的发展都非常重要,信息技术将使那些能够获取并利用它的人拥有相当大的力量。 7. Men are not always made thoughtful by books; but they are generally made thoughtful by association with men who thinks. 8. Basic education is currently funded primarily by the state in most countries. 9. The impact of globalization is not just on trade and production, it also has an important impact on education. 10. A new challenge to teaching is the pressure to internationalize curriculum offerings. Exercise II: 1. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese. 在美国,学生通常要花很多时间在学校图书馆里,或完成一门课的作业,或从事研究以便准备要写的报告。 因此,留学生会发现他们在一所美国大学里学习的成败,在很大程度上取决于利用图书馆的能力。 他们也会发现教授一开始便希望他们自己去查找并评价资料,而不是在讲课时提供需要记住的具体事实和课程资料。 因而,学生必须提高查找、选择和评价图书馆资料的技能。大多数学校在每一学年开始时所进行的新生入学指导计划中,就包括如何利用图书馆的指导。 2. Translate the following passage from Chinese into English. I often hear university presidents say, I treat my students as if they were my own children. And indeed they act just like strict but loving parents, telling the students that they should get at least eight hours of sleep, that everyone must get up for morning exercises at six a.m., that they arent allowed to walk around campus in slippers. I have always considered university presidents to be visionary policymakers who set the course of academic research and education rather than mere nannies in charge of feeding steamed bread and porridge to infants. Some educators might say, If these students had learned a bit of independence and self-discipline before they came to college, I wouldnt need to spoon-feed and discipline them like this. It is because they were not taught all these things in primary and secondary school that I, a university president, have to teach them now.” These remarks sound reas



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