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英文 论演员文章

Wen Zhang 1984.6.26 Shan Xi Xi An Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama(中央戏剧学院表演系) Actor Representative works 2011 Two identities Director Screenwriter Award His family 2008 married 2008 daughter Wen Zhang ’s virtues Wen also likes to make friends with a lot of people. One side, as a director, his first TV series ,小爸爸, gets help from many people. His acting skills also help him to win the fame. Meanwhile, he also dares to break through his own image——acting a woman. On his birthday, many stars give him blessing and accompany with him to have an unforgettable birthday. On the other hand, he is also a person who is mild-mannered and down-to-earth(脚踏实地的). He tried his best to his acting careers, his family and his two little girls. As a father, he gave his daughter the best protection. When his daughter had an accident, he cried sadly and blame himself. These tattoo is Wen made for his two daughters. From this, we can see that how much he love his children. As a director, he is very hardy and responsible. Not only did he teach other actors some acting skills but also give them encouragement. In 2010, in the twelfth Shanghai International Film Festival, he earned the best actor by the film about those who are disabled. That film touched him a lot and he decided to devote himself in the charities. After he acting the film called海洋天堂, he decided to be a member of “壹基金” In 2010,Wen Zhang launched大福自闭症关爱基金,in order to use technology to help those who have autism(自闭症). All the money raised by the foundation ,will directly support the domestic autism and autism family. Through the sale of T-shirts, stickers, puzzles and so on , the foundation get the founds. Wen Zhang’s shortcomings Wen Zhang married Ma YI li in 2008. Until now , they have married for 7 years. Maybe because “the seven year itch ”, he fell in love with a girl named Yao Di . Some media workers said that Wen Zhang and Yao Di became lovers in August, 2013 . Howeve


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