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Lesson15 Fifty Pence Worth of Trouble 五十便士的麻烦 本文以第一人称叙述了小外甥把50便士掉在了阴沟里,为了找到50便士而把胳膊卡住的故事。 New words and expressions appreciate v. 欣赏,感激 thrifty adj. 节约的 nephew n. 侄子,外甥 bounce v. 弹起,跳起 pavement n. 人行道 stick v. 卡住,夹住 brigade n. 旅,(消防)队 grease n. 润滑油 appreciate v. 欣赏,感激 典型范例I great;y apprecite your kindness.我非常感谢你的好意。 He world much appreciative it if you could do him that favour.如果你肯帮这个忙。 联想记忆be appreciative of sth.感激 I’m most appreciative of your generosity.我万分感激你的慷慨大方。 Be grateful to sb. For sth./be grateful that感谢 I’m gratefly to you for your help.我十分感谢你的帮忙。 Owe sth. to sb./owe sb. Sth.欠某人···,感激某人某事 I owe my teachers and parents a great deal.我非常感激我的老师和父母。 Be indebted to sb. (for sth.)感激的,欠情的 I’m deeply indebted to you for your advice and encouragement.我深深感激你的忠告和鼓励。 thrifty adj. 节约的 典型范例Try to be thriftier and make your money lake longer 努力节约,让钱花得时间长些。 近义表达economial(of sth.)节省的,节约的 One must be economical of one’s time.一个人应当节省的时间。 Frugal An frugal/economical/thrifty housewife 一位节俭的家庭主妇 联想记忆mean 吝啬的/stingy 吝啬的,小气的。 Miserly 吝啬的,守财奴的/tight小气的 He is mean /stingy /tight with money他在金钱方面很小气 nephew n. 侄子,外甥 bounce v. 弹起,跳起 典型范例The ball bounced ocer the wall.球弹过了墙。 He bounced his baby on his knee.他让孩子在他膝上上下颤动。 She bounced out of the house and never came back.他从家里气呼呼地跑了,再也没了回来。 联想记忆 spring 弹起,跳起 He sprang (up) from his seat.他从座位上忽然跳起来。 Rebound 回弹 The ball rebounded from / off the wall into the pond.那球从墙上弹回掉到了池塘里。 Spring back 突然弹回 The branch sprang back and hit me in the face.那树枝忽然叹回来打在我脸上。 pavement n. 人行道 近义表达side walk (美) /a pedestrian / walkway stick v. 卡住,夹住 典型例句This drawer sticks badly .这个抽屉一点也拉不动。 A fish bone stuck in my throat.一根鱼刺卡住了我的喉咙。 固定搭配stick in one’s memory / mind仍然记得,记忆犹新。 My mother’s industry and thrift has always stusk in my memory .我母亲的勤俭总是是我记忆犹新 brigade n. 旅,(消防)队 联想记忆 the fire brigade, fire-fighting squad消防队/peanut oil花生油/soy sauce消防队员。 grease n. 润滑油 链接词汇greasy 多油脂的,油污的。 Greasy skin 油性皮肤/greasy hair油性头发 联想记忆 hair-oil 发油ses


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