新概念第一册 111 以后.ppt

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新概念第一册 111 以后

Lesson 111 The most expensive model New Words model n.型号,式样 afford v.付得起(钱) deposit n.预付定金 instalment n.分期付款 price n.价格 millionaire n.百万富翁 词汇学习 1.afford v. (1)买得起;付得起(钱): She cant afford a new coat. 她买不起一件新大衣。 We are not rich enough to afford a car. 我们并不太富有,不能购置汽车。 (2)担负得起(时间等): I feel I can t afford any more time on this project. 我觉得我不能再在这个项目上花更多的时间。 We cant afford such enormous fees. 我们无法负担如此巨额的费用。 2.deposit (1)n.预付定金;押金;保证金: He put down a deposit on the house yesterday. 昨天他付了房子的定金。 (2)v.存放;存储: We were advised to deposit our valuables in the bank safe 别人建议我们将自己的贵重物品存放在银行的保险箱里。 (3)付(保证金);预付(定金): I deposited $ 1,500 on a new car. 我付了 1,500 美金作为购新车的定金。 课文详注 1.buy on installments,以分期付款的方式购买。 I have bought this house on instalments. 我用分期付款的方式买了这所房子。 2.?and then fourteen pounds a month for three years .??然后每月14 镑,3 年付清。 then 和 fourteen 之间省略了 pay。 语法 Grammar in use 形容词的平级比较级:as?as 形容词的比较形式有 3 种:较高比较级(more expensive, the most expensive);较低比较级(less expensive, the least expensive) ;平级比较级 (as expensive as)。 请看下面句中 as?as 的用法: The green apple is as sweet as the red one. 这个绿苹果同那个红苹果一样甜。 The policeman is as tall as the policewoman. 这个男警察与那个女警察个子一样高。 Robert is not as old as he looks. 罗伯特没有他看上去那么高。 The blue car is not as clean as the red car. 蓝车没有红车干净。 Lesson 113 Small change New Words conductor n.售票员 fare n.车费,车票 change n.零钱,找给的钱;v.兑换(钱) note n.纸币 passenger n.乘客 none pron.没有任何东西 neither ad.也不 get off 下车 tramp n.流浪汉 except prep.除…外 词汇学习 Word study 1.change v. (1)兑换: I want to change the pounds into dollars. 我想把这些英镑兑换成美元。 (2)改变;更改: He changed his mind at last. 他最终改变了自己的主意。 This plan is to change the desert into farmland. 这个计划是要将沙漠变为农田。 (3)交换;改换: Shall we change our seats? 我们调换一下座位好吗? Youve got to change your bus at the next stop. 你得在下一站换车。 2.except prep. 除??外: Everyone except Jane went to the party. 除简之外的所有人都去参加那个派对了。 Theyre open every day except Sunday. 除星期天之外,他们每天都开门。 I like him except when hes gloomy. 除了他满脸阴沉的时候之外,我挺喜欢他。 课文详注 Further notes on the tex


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