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New words and expressions: 1.private adj.私人的 n.私下,不公开 private school 私立学校 public school 公办学校 Harvard University is a private school. in private 私下 In private, those famous actors still have privacy that we dont know. privacy n.隐私 2.conversation n.(非正式)谈话 have a conversation with sb. 与某人谈话 Yesterday my teacher had a converstion with me. make a conversation 寒暄,说应酬话 He had been trying to make a conversation. in conversation with sb.正与某人谈话 When I arrived, I found her in converstion with Mr Bean. converse v.谈话 adj. 相反的 辨析: conversation 指两人或两人以上交谈,一般用于正式文体中, talk内容可正式可不正式(可以朋友之间,两国之间) chat 指熟人间的随便交谈,也就是所谓的“侃大山”,闲聊。 dialogue 即“对话”,多指剧中的对白 gossip 绯闻,嚼舌头,说长道短 gossip girl 3.theatre n. 剧院 去看戏 cinema 电影院 去看电影 an open-air theatre 露天剧场 home theatre 家庭影院 我们应该去剧院看一场经典的戏剧。 we should go to the theatre and enjoy a classic play. go to the theatre go to the cinema 4. seat n.座位 v.安排坐下,使就坐 have a seat/take a seat 就座 (比sit down更有礼貌) have a good seat 有一个好位置 seat belt 安全带 win a seat 赢得一席之地 seat sb. 让某人就坐 The hall can seat 2,000 people. 辨析:seat/sit seat 只做及物动词,常用被动 sb be steated sit 多可做不及物动词,也可做及物动词 口语表达“请坐” sit down, please.(命令性) Take your seat, please. Be seated, please.(更礼貌) 5. play n.戏(通俗的说法) v.玩 play… with 和…玩 player 运动员,比赛者 playboy花花公子 play cards 打牌 play a role/part of 扮演...角色,发挥...作用 TV play 电视剧 opera 歌剧 theatre 戏剧 drama 指带有戏剧性故事情节的戏剧 6. angry adj. 生气的 angrily adv. be angry with sb. 跟…生气 She is angry with you. be angry at 因某事生气 My boyfriend and I tend to be angry at the smallest things. 替代词 cross He was cross. annoyed 恼火的 be blue in the face 脸上突然变色 程 I was annoyed. 度 I was angry/cross. 加 I was very angry. 深 I am blue in the face. (脸色都青了,相当生气) 7. attention n.注意 pay attention to sb./sth. 对...注意 We need to pay attention to others feelings when we criticize them. draw/catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意 attract the attention of 吸引...注意 Some boys wear stupid clothes to attract the attention of girl


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