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人物介绍: 旁白,花花,IF Zhang :王曼(男主角) 菜菜:蔡惠(女主角) 王小美 (路人甲),屌丝丝(相亲男1号):陆盟萌 李大帅(路人乙),富帅帅(相亲男2号):尹欣 开场白 Single Day has just past few days ,some people spend alone ,some people get together with friends, 光棍节刚刚过去几天,一些人独自度过,一些人和朋友一起度过 also ,some lucky people get together with people who love each other . 一些人和相爱的人一起度过 I want to know how many guys in our class are still single .please put your hands up .thank you. 我想知道我们班有多少现在还是单身的,请举手,谢谢 Although I do not know how to get rid of the single ,and I also do not know how to help you to find the MR.Right in your life。 尽管我不知道怎样“脱光”,我也不知道怎样发现生命中的那个对的人 .But ,I believe ,he or she will find you through thousand people. 但是 我相信他或她 会穿过茫茫人海找到你 And all you need to do is to try to make yourself a better and more excellent one, then wait , 你所需要做的就是使自己成为更好更优秀的人 然后 等待 all we need to do is :wait. 我们所要做的就是等待 Now,we will bring you a warm-hearted and happy-ending performance. 接下来,一个温馨 圆满的小故事送给大家 I hope to bring some comfort to single people like us. 希望给像我们一样单身的亲们带去一些慰藉。         第一幕 人物:菜菜    王小美    李大帅    花花  场景一: 王小美 : Darling, you havent accompany me, I dont want a day alone. 亲爱的,你好久没陪我了,我可不想一个人孤零零的过光棍节。 李大帅:Then what do you want? 那你想干嘛? 王小美:Lets go shopping, eating, watching movies, going to the park! 咱们去逛街,吃饭,看电影,逛公园吧! 李大帅:Its so boring, I hasnt finished. 那多无聊,我的游戏还没打完呢 王小美:Im not your game is important? You say, what am I to you? 原来我还没有你的游戏重要啊?你说,我是你的什么? 李大帅:You are my baby ah, I can not play, accompany with you today! (你是我的优乐美啊,我可以不玩,今天陪你) 王小美:How nice you are! 你真好! 场景二: 菜菜:wow ! look! their made me deeply moved。(真感人) 花花:So,look yourself --a sigle lady,eat so much,looks so fat!fat!! Dont eat. Youll never find a boyfriend! 菜菜:All right...What should I do. 花花:dont eat!! en..en.. Go...To..Date!!!! Hello everyone,Im a single lady.Tody Im go to date.In chinese is 相亲.I hope find my Mr.Right.         第二幕(相亲) 人物:


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