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ANYTHING BUT BEEFS —— Scott Sullivan and William Underhill vt. to move quickly, violently, or impulsively 猛冲;直奔 e.g. She flung off without saying goodbye. 她没有告别就匆匆走了。 在这场风暴的中心,英国首相约翰·梅杰遭到了各方面的指责和谩骂。 Fling: vt. to throw with violence 猛扔 e.g. She flung the book onto the bed. 她将书使劲往床上一扔。 Paras. 2 At the center of the storm, Prime Minister John Major flung blame in all directions. vt. to throw (oneself) into an activity with abandon and energy 充满激情地、彻底地投入于······中 e.g. He flung himself into the election campaign. 他全力投入竞选运动。 n. Hysteria: 癔病,歇斯底里;不正常的兴奋 e.g. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? 你可以听到歇斯底里的咆哮吗? Collective: adj. 集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的 n. 集团;集合体;集合名词 “What has happened is collective hysteria—partly media, partly opposition and partly European,” the British prime minister declared. 首相宣称:“现在所发生的情况来自各个方面的歇斯底里——其中有媒体的,有反对党的,也有欧洲的。” Paras. 2 Paras. 2 Yet even in the ranks of his own Conservative Party, some members are openly critical of the way Major’s government has handled the crisis. 然而,即使在保守党内部也有人公开批评梅杰政府处理这次危机的方式欠妥。 Paras. 2 adj. Clumsy: 笨拙的 e.g. How clumsy of me to break the vase! 我打碎了这个花瓶,我是有多笨! “It has been at best clumsy, at worst catastrophic,” says Edwina Currie, a Tory member of Parliament and former health minister. adj. Catastrophic: 灾难的;悲惨的 e.g. catstrophic creep 频变蠕变 catstrophic collapse 毁灭性的灾难 catstrophic cancellation 灾难取消 at best under the best condition; as the best possibility 在最好的情况下,顶多 e.g. We can’t get to New York before ten O’clock at best. 我们最快只能在十点到达纽约。 I can donate one hundred dollars at best. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。 in the most favorable way of looking at sth, even saying the best about the thing 从最好的方面来看;以最好的方法来解释 e.g. The conventional mind is at best a petty piece of machinery. 平凡的头脑最多只是一件微小的机器。 Their work is patchy at best. 他们工作做得最好的时候也是乱糟糟的。 in the least favorable view, to say the worst about a thing顶多 e.g. At worst well have to sell the house so as t


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