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天主教輔仁大學資訊工程研究所碩士學位論文 Design of a Vehicle Guidance System with Event Awareness Based on Wireless Sensor Networks 利用無線感測網路設計具事件感知能力行車導引系統 指導教授:林振緯 教授 研究生:石博中 中華民國九十八年七月 摘要 近年來無線感測網路(WSN)除了在學術上引起廣大迴響,廠商也紛紛推出無線感測網路相關產品,。在本論文中將利用數個無線網路開發標準板並結合被動式紅外線感測器所形成的網路,來實現一個具能力行車導引系統。 在本行車導引系統,我們主要應用於軍事戰場、災害救援現場以及交通道路上感測器 關鍵字:感測網路能力行車導引網狀路由容錯。 Abstract Recently, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become a hot research topic. Manufacturers have also developed many WSN platforms to be used in the applications of many areas, e.g. military, disaster relief, transportation. In this thesis, we will design a vehicle guidance system with event awareness by using?a?WSN platform . This vehicle guidance system can be used in the battle field and disaster rescue site to provide a safe and short driving route. The design of the system has two main parts. The work of the front part is to collect the dangerous information via the deployed infrared sensors in the sensing field. In this work, we also design mesh-based routing protocol to transmit the sensed dangerous data of each infrared sensor node. The transmission is based on the multiple-hop manner. Even if some infrared sensor nodes fail, the mesh-based routing protocol can immediately find another available route. For the rear part, the work is to find a safe and short driving route based on the collected dangerous information from the front part. The plan of the driving route can be also used the mesh-based routing protocol. Finally, we demonstrate the designed vehicle guidance system. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, event awareness, vehicle guidance, mesh-based routing, fault tolerance. 致謝 目錄 1 第二章 背景知識 4 2.1無線感測網路 4 2.1.1 無線感測網路設計的考量 4 2.1.2無線感測網路路由協定研究現況 8 2.2 網狀網路路由協定 12 第三章 具事件感知能力行車導引系統 16 3.1系統架構 16 3.1.1無線感測器硬體架構 17 3.1.2無線感測器軟體架構 20 3.2 系統運作流程 21 3.2.1 初始化網路 23 3.2.2 劃分叢集 25 3.2.3 決定叢集頭、通訊範圍、使用頻道 26 3.2.4 決定叢集間的繞徑路線 28 3.2.5 轉換成危險係數 33 3.2.6 規劃行車路線 34 3.2.7 圖形使用者介面顯示 34 第四章 系統實作結果測試 35 4.1 系統測試環境 35 4.2 系統測試結果 3


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