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30分钟英语早读;早读热身篇——英文美句分享;早读高潮篇——????;大家来猜一猜;早读高潮篇————英文版同桌的你;对亲爱的同桌的修饰词,你又想到了多少呢?;同桌的你;I also turn over the photograph by chance 我也是偶然翻相片 Just remind of to sit at the same table of you 才想起同桌的你 Who married touchy-feely you 谁娶了多愁善感的你 Who saw your diary 谁看了你的日记 Who rise your long hair dish 谁把你的长发盘起 Who do for you of get married the dress 谁给你做的嫁衣;You always are formerly very careful 你从前总是很小心 Ask I borrow a rubber of half 问我借半块橡皮 You also speak of once and unintentionally 你也是无意中说起 Like to follow me together 喜欢跟我在一起 At that time the sky is always very blue 那时候天总是很蓝 The day is total to lead too slowly 日子总过得太慢;You are total to say the graduation long time off 你总说毕业遥遥无?? Turn the eye each rush the thing 转眼就各奔东西 Who meet touchy-feely you 谁遇到多愁善感的你 Who comfort to like to cry of you 谁安慰爱哭的你 Who saw me to the letter that you write 谁看了我跟你写的信 Who cast away the breeze to it in 谁把它丢在风里;The days of the previously are all far 从前的日子都远去 I also will have my wife 我也会有我的妻 I also will see photograph for her 我也会给她看相片 Speak to sit at the same table to her of you 给他讲同桌的你 Who married touchy-feely you 谁娶了多愁善感的你 Who saw your diary 谁看了你的日记 ;Who rise your long hair dish 谁把你的长发盘起 Who do for you of get married the dress 谁给你做的嫁衣 ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~;早读结尾——英语美文分享;有志者事竟成;今天的早读到此结束,谢谢大家!


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