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温州大学精品课程 英语板书与简笔画 简笔画辅助英语教学 Principles of Drawing Stick figures 1.The less the better。 也就是作画的笔画一定要少。能用两笔表示的不用三笔。 Principles of Drawing Stick figures 2.The more straightforward the better。 能用直线不用曲线。 Principles of Drawing Stick figures 3. The simpler the better能简不繁。 作画时只要能用简单图形,就不用复杂图形。 How to draw a stick figure ?1.Basic figures ? 2.Putting the geometric shapes together 3. Observing and getting the characteristics of the objectives. 注意观察归纳,抓住事物特征。 简笔画举例 1.Stationery 文具 2.Commodity 日用品 3.Plants and vegetables 4.Trees and Flowers 5. Clothes 6.Vehicles 7.Animals 8.People-a 不同年龄、性别、职业的人物(站七、坐五、蹲三。) 8. People-b Actions 8. People-c Actions 8. People-d Expressions Using of the curves Combing the beelines(直线) with the curves Drawing with basic shapes Weather Water and waves Stones Mountains Trees and branches of the trees Shapes: Circle, Square, Triangle Buildings Basic Steps of Drawing Houses Presenting in a Harmonious Way Presenting in a Vivid and Clear Way Atmospheric Perspective(透视) Creating Depth Drawing lines Identifying the Basic Shapes Identifying the Basic Shapes Finding the Basic Characteristics Finding the Basic Characteristics Finding the Basic Features Finding the Basic Features A HORSE A Dog A BEAR A DEER A HEN Elephant Camel Pig S


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