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Reciting Loudly, fluently, sentient 大声的,流利的,有感情的 . 1.a grain of sand, By William Blake/威廉.布莱克? To see a world in a grain of sand, 一粒沙里看到一个世界,? And a heaven in a wild flower, 一朵花里看到一个天堂, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 把无限放在你的手掌, And eternity in an hour. 永恒在一刹那里珍藏。 2.Twinkle,twinkle,little star Twinkle, twinkle, little?star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 Up above the?world?so high 远浮于世烟云外 Like a diamond in the?sky. 似若钻石夜空明 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 When the blazing?sun?is?gone, 烈阳燃尽宙合静 When he nothing shines upon 旭日不再星河清 Then you show your little?light 晶晶灵灵挂夜空 Twinkle, twinkle, all the?night. 一闪一闪总不停 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 3.Don’t Worry about It. 别担心。 、 A: Jodi, I must get a hold of Jim today, but I forgot his address and phone number. 祖迪,我今天一定得跟吉姆联系上,可是我忘了他的地址和电话号码了。 B: Don’t worry about it. I have his pager number right here. 别担心。我这儿有他的呼机号。 A: Really? You’ve helped me a lot. Thank you. 真的吗?你帮了我大忙。谢谢。 B: Forget it. It’s nothing. 不用客气,这没什么。 A: Anna, Would you like to dance? 安娜,你想跳舞吗? B: I’d love to, but I’m a terrible dancer. I’m afraid I may step on your toes. 哦,我很乐意。可是我跳得很糟糕。我担心踩着你的脚。 A: Don’t worry about it. I’ll show you how. It’s a piece of cake. 别担心。我教你怎么跳。简单得很。 B: Thank you. I’ll try my best. 谢谢。我会尽力的。 4.It’s a piece of cake A: Jim, I heard you’ve bought a new computer. 吉姆,我听说你买了一台新电脑。 B: Yes. Look, it is on my desk. 是的。看,就在我的桌子上。 A: Your office looks different with a computer. By the way, is it difficult to use a computer? 有了一台电脑,你的办公室看上去大不一样了。噢,对了,用电脑难吗? B: Not at all. It’s a piece of cake. 一点也不。这很容易。 A: A piece of cake? 很容易? B: Yes. It’s easy and convenient to use a computer. But it takes a long time to really master it. 是的。使用电脑很容易,也很方便,但要真正掌握它就需要时间了。 5.An amazing experience I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the


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