英语必修4Module5Introduction and reading.ppt

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英语必修4Module5Introduction and reading

Complete the definitions with the help of the pictures. Introduction - 4. Quiz(3ms) Do the quiz about the Yangtze River. Reading Vocabulary -4. Filling (5ms) Fill in the blanks. Read the text carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Imagine you are on holiday. Write a diary about the following: * where you are * where you are staying * what the scenery is like * what you are doing * a particular incident * what you like /don’t like about the place characters deck dock raft detour exploit pagoda 1. a place where boats load and unload 2. a simple boat made of pieces of wood tied together dock raft Match the words with their definitions. 3. a Buddhist temple 4. a change of route 5. a floor on a boat 6. marks or signs used in writing 7. to use or take advantage of pagoda detour deck characters exploit * Module 5 Vocabulary A _____ is the low ground between the sides of mountains. valley A _____ is a large area of flat low ground. plain The _____ is the area where the land meets the sea or a lake. shore A ____ is the side of the mountain. slope _____ are the steep side of Mountains at the edge of a river or the sea. Cliffs A ____ is the top of a mountain. peak A ____ is an area of water surrounded by land. lake A ____ is a small forest. wood A ____ is a lager hole in a cliff or a mountain. cave A _______ is a large area of flat high ground. plateau Say something about the Yangtze River to your partner. (hints: its length, its history, the cities alone its banks, the world’s biggest dam on it etc.) The Three Gorges (1) The Yangtze River is the _____ river in the world. (a) longest (b) second longest (c) third longest (2) It flows from the Himalayas in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the ______. (a) south (b) north (c) east (3)The world’s biggest dam was opened on the Yangtze River in ________. (a) 2001 (b) 2003 (c) 2005 Discuss the follow


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