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12Different aged people Prof. Dr. Jin BQ NJNU Aged periods Infants Preschool child School child Adult Elder §4 Infants Nutrition Food Supplement P181-188 1 Introduction 1.1 Birth to face 1th Stress, out of mother 1th Fast growing period(0-3y) 1.2 New Born: Indexes BW: 3.3kg (2-4kg/BW) BH: 50-55cm Chest cycle Head cycle Survival in 0 day-2 weeks 2 Growth 2.1 BW: 6m-old 1y-old 3y-old 6kg 9kg 12-15kg 2.2 BH: 60-65cm 70-80cm 90-100cm 2.3 Three circle: Head, Chest, Arm Chest = Head Chest Head Arm 11cm to 16cm 2.4 Organs: Stomach-V: 30-50ml to 100-200ml Teeth: 20, 4-10m 3 Body composition suppl. 3.1 Ratio 3.1.1 New born: H2O Fat % 75 12-15 3.1.2 1-yare old: H2O Fat % 60 24 4 Nutritional Requirement 4.1 Property: Higher Nutr/Energy density 4.2 Energy Amount is 3-4 times as adults CH2O fat are same important for supplying E DRIs: 100-200kcal/kg BW + 5kcal/1g BW CH2O = 5g/kg BW Fat = 4g/kg BW, 30-45% in GE Both supply is over 2/3 in GE 4.3 Protein Amount is 3-5 times as adults requires more better protein 1.5-3.0g/kg.BW/d DRIs: 1.6-2.2g/kg BW by mother’s nursing 3-4g/kg BW by suckling cow milk 8+1(Histidine), Lys/1st 1y-old: 35g/d; 2-3y-old: 40g/d 4.4 Fat: 6m-old: 45-50% in GE 1y-old: 35-40% in GE 2-3y-old: 30-35% 4.5 Carbohydrate: Cereal CH2O Allergy diarrhoea Amount to be increasing 4.6 Water 120-150ml/kg BW/d Reasons: easy to de-water help to excrete 4.7 Minerals Ca: 400-600mg/d.p Fe: 10mg/d.p in 4m Zn: 3-5mg/d.p Se: 15?g/d.p I: 40-50 ?g/d.p NaCl 6m-old 4.8 Vitamins: A, D, Bcom 5 Feeding methods principle Nursing (Breast milk) Formula Milk Weanling Foods’ Supplement


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