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虚拟语气的特殊结构 Teaching important point: How to use the special usages of the subjunctive mood properly. Teaching difficult point: How to use the special usages of the subjunctive mood properly. Teaching methods: 1.Task_based teaching and learning. 2.Cooperative learning 3.Practice. 三维目标: Knowledge aim : Let students grasp the special usages of the subjunctive mood. Ability aim: Enable students to use the special usages of the subjunctive mood properly. Emotional aim: Develop students’ interest in learning English. Teaching procedures: 有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不是总是出现if引导的条件句,而是通过其他手段来代替条件句。 (1) 我现在要是年轻十岁就好了。 I wish I were ten years younger now. (2) 我昨天要是遇见他就好了。 I wish I had met him yesterday. (3) 我希望成为一名科学家。 I wish I would be a scientist. (4) I wish I ?????????my uncle yesterday. A. met???????? B. have met?? C. would meet??? D. had met 不接虚拟语气的用法,表示可能或真 实的情形。 1. It looks as if I am going to be busy. 2. It looks as though it is going to rain. (10年江西卷)I’d rather you ?????????me the news. A. not tell? B. not to tell????????????????? C. didn’t tell?? D. hadn’t told (2003上海春季高考题)Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _______your advice. A. followed   B. would follow C. had followed ?D. should follow insist/suggest不接虚拟的用法 1. She insisted that she was right. 她坚持认为自己是对的。(坚持事实) His uncle insists that he should not stay in the hotel. 他的叔叔坚持要求他不要待在旅馆里。 2. The look on his face suggested that he was unhappy. I suggested that the teachers’ wages (should) be increased. 3. It’s high time he ?????????home. A. go??? B. went??????? C. will go?????? D. is going to go 2. 虚拟条件句倒装。 条件从句中有should, were, had三个助动词可以把if省略,并将这三个词提至句首。 (1) If I were you, I would give it up. Were I you, I would give it up. (2) If I had had time, I would have run round the lake again. Had I had time, I would have run round the lake again. (3) If there should be a flood, what should we do? Should


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