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Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Reception theory 贾成颖 2013111251 Phenomenology(现象学) Background: the World WarⅠ, social revolutions, workers’ strikes and soviets, capitalism been shaken, decreasing of science and philosophy→ ideological crisis Representative figure:Edmund Husserl absolute certainty to a disintegrating civilization Main idea: 1. ‘phenomenological reduction’: to establish certainty, we must first of all ignore, or ‘put in brackets’, anything which is beyond our immediate experience; we must reduce the external world to the contents of our consciousness alone 2. Phenomenology is a science of pure phenomena the ‘pure phenomena’ is not the random individual particulars but a system of universal essences, for phenomenology varies each object in imagination until it discovers what is invariable about it. To grasp any phenomena wholly and purely is to grasp what is essential and unchanging about it. 3. ‘back to the things themselves!’ phenomenology, by seizing what could be experientially sure of, could furnish the basis on which genuinely reliable knowledge could be constructed. It was not a form of empiricism, concerned with the random, fragmentary experience of particular individuals; neither was it a kind of ‘psychologism’ , interested just in the observable mental process of such individuals. It claimed to lay bare the very structures of consciousness itself,and in the same act to lay bare the very phenomena themselves. Phenomenological criticism: influence on the Russian Formalists, 1, An attempt to apply the phenomenological method to literary works. The actual historical context of the literary work, its author, conditions of production and readership are ignored; aims instead at a wholly ‘immanent’ reading of the text, totally unaffected by anything outside it. The text itself is reduced to a pure embodiment of the author’s consciousness: all of its stylistic and semantic aspects are grasped as organic parts of a complex totality, of w


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