俄罗斯安全战略全文2020 英文.docxVIP

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Russia's National Security Strategy to 2020 As far as I can tell, this is the only non-machine-translated version currently on the web (NB this was back in 2009, now the official Kremlin version is up as well). Judging from the feedback I've had, it's a pretty accurate translation and should be sufficient to give the reader an idea of the contents of this important document. All are welcome to contribute suggestions and make changes on the page where the Russian text is juxtaposed with the English.ApprovedBy Decree of the PresidentOf the Russian Federation12 May 2009 No. 537National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation to 2020I. General Provisions1. Russia has overcome the consequences of the systemic political and socio-economic crisis of the end of the 20th century — having stopped the decline in the quality of life of Russian citizens; withstood the pressures of nationalism, separatism and international terrorism; prevented the discreditation of the constitutional form of government; preserved its sovereignty and territorial integrity; and restored the country's potential to enhance its competitiveness and defend its national interests as a key player within evolving multipolar international relations.Russia is pursuing a state policy of national defense, state and social security, and stable development, which responds adequately to internal and external conditions. The preconditions for reinforcing the system of national security have been created, and the relevant legal space has been consolidated. Priority issues in the economic sphere have been resolved, and the attractiveness of the economy for investment has grown. Authentically Russian ideals and spirituality are being born, alongside a dignified attitude to historical memory. Social harmony is being formed on the basis of shared values — the freedom and independence of the Russian state, humanism, the peaceful coexistence and cultural unity of Russia's multinational population, respect for family


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