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A b stfa C t R alPh 肠 ler an d W illiam E . D o ll’5 eurrieu lu ln v iew rePesellt tw o d i欣 rellt P arad igm s of m odern ism and P o st一m o dern ism . T he book of Ty ler. w h ieh 15 naln ed B a sie P rin e iP le s o f C u rrieu lu m an d In stru etio n ,15 o n e o f th e m o st illtlu e lltia l b o o k s in eu rrieu lu m f ie ld 50 far. H is e la ssiea l P arad ig m 15 th e m o st au th o rita tiv e th eo re tiea l m o d e l in eu rrieu lu m f ie ld ,a s w e l] a s th e m o st ex ten siv e P raetiea l 一11o d e l in e d u ea tio n f ie ld . It h a s g reat e ffe et 0 11 eu n i·eu lu m le‘seareh . W ith th e g o w in g u P o f P o st一m o d ern ism c lim ate ,D o ll,th e d e le g ate o f P o st一m o d e rn ism eu rrieu lu m ex P erts, g iv es th e erities and qu estion s to Ty ler ’5 Prin eiP les. T h ere are eorreet and P rofoun d in sig h ts in th e se eritic s,b u t so m e are m isu n d erstan d in g s. T h erefore ,th e eo m P ariso n an d refleetion on Ty ler and D o ll’5 eurrieu lum v iew 15 n eeessary. O n th e on e h an d ,it ean defen ee for th e m isu nderstand in gs o f Ty ler ’5 eurrieu lum v iew s an d h elP u s tak e 111 th e n ew m o d e o f th o u g h t P ro v id ed b y D o ll’5 eu rrieu lu m v iew s. O n th e o th er h an d ,it en b le u s to re eo g n ise th e ir re latio n sh iP s eo rre etl) . to ab so rb an d d raw u P o n fru its o f th em o n th e b a sis o f etrrrieu lu m reform P raetiee . T h is PaP er starts froln the com Prehen siv e exP lanation on 升 ler and D o ll’s cu rrieu lu m v iew . T h e ll,th is re sea reh eo m P ara s an d a n a ly ze s sev era l im P o rtan t issu re s o n b o th eu


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