高二英语课件:(牛津译林版)M5-U1 p.ppt

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高二英语课件:(牛津译林版)M5-U1 p

Discussion Listening Listen and try to get more information about teenagers’ friendships. Read the text and answer the questions. 1. What puzzles Robert? 2. What do girls seem to have to do with their friends? 3. What do many studies show? 4. What have these studies also shown? 5. Why do boys usually hesitate to answer the question? Retelling Read the text carefully and try to retell it briefly in about 200 words. 一位妇女正专心致志地记录着屏幕上的数据。 A woman was _________ ____ taking down the data ____ ____ _______. 你究竟在哪儿找到那条领带的。 ______ ___ ___ _______ did you ______ the necktie? = ______ ___ _____ did you ______ the necktie? 他很聪明,但另一方面,他老是犯错误。 He is very clever, but ___ ___ _____ _____, he is ______ ________ mistakes. 孩子们应该被教育去和其他孩子分享他们的玩具。 Children should be taught to ______________________________. 他买了她想要的,不管费用。 He bought what she wanted, _________ ___ the expenses. 他们的友谊建立在相互尊重的基础之上。 Their relationship was _____ __________ mutual respect. 当看到那个男孩溺水的时候,他毫不犹豫跳入河中。 When he saw the little boy drowning in the river, he jumped in to the water ________ __________. 别犹豫,立即做。 Don’t _______ _____ it. Do it at once. P93 D1 1. marks 2. attitude 3. bitter 4. adolescents 5. turn 6. into P93 D2 Last night, Tom had an argument with/had words with/ quarreled with his wife. He wanted to apologize so he left her a card saying “ I’m sorry . Please forgive me.” He promised to buy me a bike for my birthday, and I think he will keep his word. 3. Don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. 4. He felt ashamed of what he had done. 5. Finally/Eventually, he admitted stealing the diamond necklace. 6. He says what he thinks, regardless what other people think. 7. She apologized to us for being late. 8. The soldiers were determined to save/rescue the people who were trapped in the flood. without hesitation hesitate about Project Sometimes we need to give an oral report about a certain topic. To make the report convincing, we should base it on facts. So it is nece



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