高处作业程序Working at height(HSEP-WH-01).doc

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高处作业程序Working at height(HSEP-WH-01)

1 Status 状态 Issue 版次 Date 日期 Prepared 编制 Reviewed 审核 Approved 批准 Remark 备注 1. Scope This procedure is applicable for whole xxx Co., Ltd. include LED rents plant under the jurisdiction. It does not apply to the erection, disassembling and modifying of scaffolds. 2. Purpose This Safe Work Procedure defines responsibilities and workflow before and during Working at Height on sites under companys responsibility. The purpose of this Safe Work Procedure is to set out clear procedures and safety requirements for working at height in order to ensure that such works are carefully planned and safely executed to prevent injurious accidents, occupational illnesses and any further detrimental consequences. 1.范围 本程序适用于全部XXX限公司,包括LED所租用并管辖的厂区。不适用于脚手架的搭建、拆除和修改 本安全工作程序的目的是明确高处作业的程序和安全要求,确保认真地规划和安全执行工序,防止伤害事故、职业病和任何有害的后果。 3. Definitions 3. 定义 Description 描述 Contractor Contractors of COMPANY 分包商 Sub-contractor Contractors of COMPANYs CONTRACTORs 子分包商 Competent Person A competent person is qualified (by recognised degree, certificate, professional standing or by extensive knowledge or training) professionally experienced capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are dangerous to employees related to the subject matter. 能胜任的人是指 - 有资格的(被认可的程度、证书、掌握专业技能或知识或经过培训) - 有丰富的专业经验 - 能够识别周围的或工作条件中的对员工有危险的现存的危险和预测的危险 Elevated work similar to Working at height (see below) 类似高处作业(见下面) Man-Day A man-day is equal the amount of work that one worker provides during one shift (usually 8 to 10 hours), e.g. two workers working for 4 hours (1/2 shift) equals one man-day. 人天数是指一个人一个班次工人工作的(通常8到10小时),例如2个工人工作4小时相当于1个人一天。 PPE Personal Protective Equipment 个人防护用品 Working at height All work activities carried out at workplaces with a possible height of fall above 2 metres. Workplaces above water are considered as working at height independent of the height of fal


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