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高级英语课件部分:Unit 1 词汇: Emeritus [i(:)merit?s ] adj . 名誉退休的,退休的used in the title of a retired professor, bishop or other professional. 2、The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 千年发展目标eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. 3、Conscience n.良心The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to ones conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong: e.g. a. Let your conscience be your guide. b. He’s behaving like a man with a guilty (clear) conscience. c. Theyve no conscience at all about cheating. d. on your conscience ? Notice: the difference among the following words conscience: sense of right and wrong良心 conscientious: [k?n?i‘en??s ] 有良心的scrupulously principled conscious: aware意识到 A healthy conscience will alert one to questionable or wrong behavior. Be conscientious and do your work well. They are not conscious of their behavior unacceptable. 4、exacerbate: [?g z?s?’be?t] vt. 使恶化;使加重(= worsen; a formal word) make a lot worse. g. His remarks only exacerbated the workers’ anger. The new tax police exacerbated the polarization (两级化)in that society. 5、valid: adj.有效的 e.g. A valid argument, contract of idea is based on sensible reasoning. This offer is valid for travel before the end of April. A credit card is not a valid proof of identity. 6. ailment [eilm?nt] 疾病(尤指慢性病) ,轻病, 小恙(=affliction): an illness, especially one that does not seem serious even though it might be unpleasant or painful and last a long time. e.g. My uncles and aunts just talk about their ailments. a common ailment 普通的病 minor ailment 微恙 sudden ailment 急病 trifling ailment 轻症 women’s ailment 妇科病 7. republic: [ri’p?blik] n.共和国, 共和政体A nation, usu. Governed by elected representatives, whose head state is a president e.g. The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1st, 1949. 8. intellectual: n知识分子A p


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