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练习1 I、在下列每个句子的空白处填上适当的冠词(如果必要的话),然后将句子译成汉语: 1. There has been _____ ever greater interest in this subject. 2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate without too great _____ rise in temperature. 3. Its primary disadvantage is _____ increase in noise. 4. _____ successful design of the equipment requires _____ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications. 5. In _____ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _____ single electron revolves around _____ single proton in a circle of radius R. 6. The unit of frequency is _____ hertz. 7. If _____ voltage is applied across _____ circuit, _____ electric current will flow in _____ circuit. 8. _____ Fig. 5-1 shows _____ Oersted’s experiment. 9. We should use _____ 18-volt battery here. 10. _____ machine is _____ device for transmitting force to accomplish _____ definite purpose. 11. _____ hydraulic press will be considered in _____ Chapter 14. 12. _____ study of fluids in motion is one of _____ more difficult branches of mechanics because of _____ diversity of phenomena that may occur. 13. It is easy to determine _____ value of _____ parameter μ. 14. By _____ Eq. (2-1) we have _____ following relation. 15. It is necessay to use _____ S-shaped tube here. 16. The authors work at _____ University of Texas at _____ Arlinton. 17. This is _____ R-bit transformer. 18. _____ XOR gate must be used here. II、将下列句子译成英语,注意正确地使用冠词: 1、这是一个h参数(parameter)。 2、现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网(local area networks)。 3、Bainbridge 质谱仪(mass spectrometer)是与光谱仪(optical spectrometer)一样重要的仪器。 4、必需求出为使一个电子通过(travel)这一段导线(length of the wire)需要多长的时间。 5、物质(substance)的密度(density)是其每单位体积的质量(mass)。 6、地球的半径(radius)为6.37×106米。 7、这两个参数(parameter)8、压力的增加总会引起体积的减少。 9、图(2-52-210、电感(inductance)的单位是亨利(henry)11、输入信号(input signal)nonlinear distprtion)h)-f(x)这一表达式(expression)calculus)14、能写成以下形式的方程被称为含有一个未知数(unknown)linear)15、在计算机中,趋势是以尽可能高的时钟速率(clock rate)operate)tin)melti


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