
Delphi7.0 预编译指令说明(国外英语资料).doc

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Delphi7.0 预编译指令说明(国外英语资料)

Delphi7.0 预编译指令说明(国外英语资料) Original author: Delphibbs - old man If copied please indicate the author, thank you! Only for beginners, please be correct! If time allows me to write every day! Delphi7.0 precompiled instructions Delphis fast and efficient compiler comes mainly from the rigor of Object PASCAL, which USES Delphi at any time to communicate with the compiler, mostly There is no need to interfere with the running of the compiler, but sometimes the compiler is required. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A. 1 USES the compilation Settings dialog The compilers compiler instructions are used to specify the actions and actions of the compiler to the project compilation process. You can pass [Project] - [Options] - The [Complier] option page is set (shortcut: Crtl + Shift + F11), and most of the compilation environment can be tuned through this dialog He includes Settings for code, grammar, debugging information, etc. Code Generation Optimization: optimize your code. This includes preventing variables to CPU registers, merging decomposition expressions, generating intermediate variables, and so on The domain is local. If {$O +} or {$OPTIMIZATION ON}, as follows var I: Integer; The begin I: = 1; / / uncompiled, which means that when debugging, there is no break point I: = 2; The end; If {$o-} or {$OPTIMIZATION OFF}, as follows var I: Integer; The begin I: = 1; / / compiled, which means that when debugging, this line has a break point I: = 2; The end; Default: {$O +} {$OPTIMIZATION ON} Stack frames: Windows Stack frames. The scope of its scope is local, and he makes the compiler a remote procedure and a function to generate a specific beginning and At the end of the code. This instruction is used for the real mode of Windows 3.0, which should be closed for all Delphi applications, some debugging tools This informat


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