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《长方形和正方形的周长》说课稿(国外英文资料) Lecture notes on the perimeter of rectangles and squares Speaking textbooks: Calculation of perimeter of rectangle and square from sixty-third to 65 pages. Teaching target: 1, through the exploration of rectangular and square perimeter calculation process, and master rectangle and square perimeter calculation method. 2. Through observation, measurement and calculation, we can develop the concept of space while acquiring intuitive experience. 3, in the learning activities, realize the real life of mathematics, develop the interest in mathematics, cultivate communication and cooperation of inquiry consciousness and ability. Teaching emphasis: To explore and master the calculation method of rectangular perimeter. Teaching preparation: courseware, 1 cm long side of the small square, 6. Doctrine of teaching method: Create vivid situations and stimulate students motivation to explore. In this lesson, through the creation of two cats than walking routes the length of an instance, suspense, let the students to study in the mathematical situations vivid and interesting, and let the scene through the whole class, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the students. Two, setting up mathematical activities to motivate students to actively explore. In the design of this class, I designed for students to explore a series of rich and colorful activities, let the student through the operation. Exchange ways of learning rich and diverse, improve learning efficiency, cultivate students innovation consciousness. For example: first say how can know rectangular and square perimeter, and let the students through their own life experience, preliminary calculation with rectangular perimeter what strategy; by guess graphic calculation method of initial perception perimeter, to develop a mathematical intuition; with his method to calculate the graphics perimeter, let the students feel to solve the problem of the diversification strategy; talk about their lov


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