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擋土開挖安全監測專家決策支援系統 鄭明淵1 張志宏2 關鍵詞:建築工程,擋土開挖,安全監測系統,傳輸自動化,決策支援系統,專家系統 摘 要 本研究主要在於發展一套「建築工程擋土開挖安全監測專家決策支援系統」,使安全監測能達到其預定之目的與功能,以掌控建築工程擋土開挖之施工安全。其主要內容如下;(1)儀器安裝配置規劃:首先考量擋土支撐系統之設計理念,然後參酌施工方式、施工環境及監測儀器性能,進而建立一合理化建議準則。(2)儀器安裝品質查核:建立一儀器安裝品質查核資料庫,儲存儀器安裝施工時,應確實督導查核之查核項目、查核目的與查核不良時可能會對監測結果所造成之影響及其建議之改善措施。(3)儀器資料數據管理:經由儀器資料數據傳輸自動化技術之應用,對儀器資料數據進行有系統的收集與管理。(4)擋土開挖災害成因推理專家系統:藉由安裝於施工現場中各種安全監測儀器所搜集之資料數據與現況徵兆,分析研判建築工程擋土開挖是否發生異常;若是發生異常現象時,則進一步診斷其可能原因。(5)電腦整合:透過電腦化的應用,整合上述各部份之研究成果,發展成「建築工程擋土開挖安全監測專家決策支援系統」,以強化安全監測系統的功效。 Computer-Aided Decision Support System for Safety Monitoring of Construction Excavation Min-Yuan Cheng Chin-Hung Chang Department of Construction Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taipei, Taiwan 10672, R.O.C Key Words:construction disaster, construction excavation, monitoring system, fuzzy set theory, expert system This study endeavor focuses on developing a decision support system for safety monitoring of the construction excavation. In this paper, a safety monitoring system for construction excavation is developed to assist construction managers to monitor and control the excavation conditions. The primary features of the system are as follows: (1) instruments layout planning: a rule base of instruments layout planning is developed according to the design concept of the retaining wall, site conditions, construction methods, and instruments functions, (2) quality checking list and control for instrument installation: a quality checking list including checking items, purposes, and remedial actions to take is identified to enhance the quality control of the instruments installation, (3) automated data collection: using the automated data collection and transmission technology, the monitoring data collected by each instrument can be transmitted automatically to the job site office, and (4) a mechanism for reasoning the possible causes of hazard: based on the analysis of the collected data, the potential hazard can be predicted and als


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