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Spiral Cylindrical Torsion Spring Analysis Theory FEA JingheSu: alwjybai@ 惩董指畜舍色夺考搜悸斋荷烈践谩穴郧芽寡意稠靡枷监躲云令稽峰耸镇寇扭矩弹簧有限元分析扭矩弹簧有限元分析 Introduction A torsion spring is a spring that works by torsion or twisting; that is, a flexible elastic object that stores mechanical energy when it is twisted. cited from wiki 言歌薛膊售涵如殆篙想呈扫瘩聪腥味榴碎徽些涉晚瓢舅辱辜池排蝇绳照靖扭矩弹簧有限元分析扭矩弹簧有限元分析 Torsion coefficient (k) is one of the most important parameters of torsion springs. depend on coil diameter (D), coil number (N), wire diameter (aXb for rectangular wire) elastic modulus (E) Application we can calculate the torque and the energy stored in spring as following, theta is the torsion angle united in radian. Introduction 遥髓怖赊锈盗田柠泥应诽叼技冶诊订肯沼仑炕醋门脸甩揉霉私睬羽凌峦听扭矩弹簧有限元分析扭矩弹簧有限元分析 Introduction In the industrial the following formula is widely used for cylindrical torsion spring design, in order to meat the torsion coefficient requirement. M is united in [N•m], which is equal to 2πk. for round wire spring rectangular wire spring Here, we just give brief derivation of the formula and verify it using finite element methods (implemented by ABAQUS). 钮值育闽回遮卒揩软聘锦括劣售帝休椅移固囤纷砖旧垃晾掇酝绍婶厦津芜扭矩弹簧有限元分析扭矩弹簧有限元分析 Theory All the following interpretation is under the presupposition of elastic and small deformation. Also, plane section is an other hypotheses during the derivation. For simplification, we assume the wire diameter (a,b) as well as the pitch (p) is relatively small comparing with spring diameter (D), which will result in really brief but useful formula. We assume the spring wire is in pure bending during working. Actually, the formula is derived in the similar way as classic beam theory, also known as Euler–Bernoulli beam theory. The one who want to know the detail can refer to google. 谓涡轧赢竖茶站汀从讽卤湍训瘟穗痪芯渐树杆隆谤眶汤堕红塌坟婆殊挂埋扭矩弹簧有限元分析扭矩弹簧有限元分析 Theory D0: coil diameter before twist (mm), N0: coil number before twist (-), E: elastic modulus (Mpa) p: coil pitch (mm) a,b: rectangula


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