简明商务英语口译教程A Concise Interpreting Course Book for....ppt

简明商务英语口译教程A Concise Interpreting Course Book for....ppt

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简明商务英语口译教程A Concise Interpreting Course Book for...

课后练习: 朗读下列单词,注意重音位置 asleep about achieve address beside believe compare consider condemn decide discuss discount employ enforce exclaim escape except forbid forget imagine impress inform include mistake persuade pretend permit prepare propose produce repair respect report translate project desert record present insult conduct concrete convoy exploit survey alloy alcoholic alphabetical Antarctica Asiatic astronomically athletic atomic biological botanical economically electric electronic emphatic empirical geologically historic magnetic mathematics mechanic numerical pacific periodic political republic scientific specific comic 相关重读规则: 含有 a- be- com- con- de- dis- em- en- es- ex- for- im- in- mis- per- pre- pro- re- trans- 等前缀的词通常在第二个音节上重读。加前缀或后缀通常不会改变原词的重音位置。 含有 de- in- re- con- pre- 等前缀的词可以在第一个音节上重读,也可以在第二个音节上重读,往往因为主重读位置不同而词的意义和词类也不同。 以 -ic 结尾的词通常在 -ic 前的一个音节上重读。 女士们,先生们,我很高兴来到美丽的德国城市汉诺威,参加著名的汉诺威工业博览会,并就能源市场开放和中德能源合作问题发表演讲。首先,我代表中国政府有关部门,对邀请我参加今天的论坛表示衷心的感谢! Ladies and gentlemen, I’m delighted to be here in the beautiful city of Hanover, to attend the prestigious Hanover Industrial Exhibition, and to speak on the opening of the energy market as well as on cooperation between China and Germany in the area of energy. Firstly, on behalf of the Economic and Trade Commission of China, I’d like to thank you for inviting me to this forum. 课后练习: 1. Weekly News: note-taking, retelling interpretation, E-C C-E 2. Small book: Unit 1: Section D E Unit 2: Section A B 3. Big book: Unit 1- Inquiry, Offer and Counter-offer Lead-in Listening practice Interpretation practice: Section 1(视译) B: But our washers are of better quality, and so the price should be higher than the other. A: How about 420 dollars per set? It is 40 dollars higher than home-made washers. To be frank with you, it is easy for us to select similar washers from other sources at this price. B: To tell you the truth, 420 dollars per set can hardly cover our production cost. For fri


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