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* 人教课标 高二 选修 6 Unit 1 如何写建议信 建议信是应用文的一种,是写信人就某一问题或事件提出看法、建议或忠告的一类书信。它具有应用文的一般特点即:通俗性、广泛性和常用性,同时有固定的格式即信头、称呼、正文、结束语、签名五部分。书信的表述方式很多,根据内容的不同可采用叙述、说明、议论等写作方法。 【写作指导】 高考中一般都会给出书信的格式,因此我们主要从书信的正文进行指导。建议信的正文一般分三部分: 1. 首先表明写作意图; 2. 然后写出具体建议,要注意语气诚 恳、委婉; 3. 最后礼貌地表达希望建议被采纳的愿 望。 【常用表达】 首段:表明写作意图,陈述事由。 It is my pleasure to offer you some advice on ... I am writing to express my views concerning ... You have asked for my advice on ... and I will try to make some suggestions. I wish to make a suggestion about ... 主体:提出建议并阐述理由。 I would like to suggest that ... If I were you, I would ... If you were to ..., I believe ... It seems to me that you could ... In my opinion, it would be wise to take the following measures ... I think it would be more beneficial if you could ... When it comes to such a situation, I would like to suggest ... As to ... I suggest that you should ... 结尾:希望收信人接受建议。注意措辞要有礼貌,使对方容易接受。 In the end, I will be very glad if you find my suggestions useful. Thanks for reading my letter. I hope you will consider my suggestions. I believe you will take my advice into account / consideration. I hope you will find these suggestions practical / useful / helpful. I hope that you take my suggestions into consideration. I do hope you will consider my suggestions. I would be more than happy if my suggestions could be considered. 【实战演练】 假如你是某中学的学生李华,请你给校委员会写一封信,就开办艺术画廊给出自己的建议及理由,内容包括: 1. 建议开办一个校园艺术画廊,展示在校学生自己的作品; 2. 画廊可以给学生提供一个展示自我的平台,开阔学生视野、传播校园文化。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 Dear Committee members, I wish to make a suggestion about starting a school art gallery. There are many students who are good at painting in our school. The school art gallery can provide these students with a very good platform to display their own paintings, and through the art gallery, other students may not only get a chance to admire the artistic achievements and the development of school culture but also can widen their knowledge. If you were to offer


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