南方离子型稀土矿环境污染及治理 - 有色金属科学与工程.doc

南方离子型稀土矿环境污染及治理 - 有色金属科学与工程.doc

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南方离子型稀土矿环境污染及治理 - 有色金属科学与工程

南方离子型稀土矿开采的环境损伤及防治 魏娟萍 王海宁 晏江波 (江西理工大学 资源与环境工程学院,江西赣州 341000) 摘要:阐述了离子型稀土矿池浸、堆浸和原地浸矿三种开采技术,并分别从环境破坏、资源利用率、提取效率等方面对比了三种开采工艺。同时,首次提出了环境损伤的概念,研究归纳了离子型稀土在开采中产生的环境损伤,并将其分为地质环境损伤、大气环境损伤、水体环境损伤、土壤环境损伤四类。从过程分析的角度探究了三种开采工艺环境损伤产生的原因,并从工艺技术、生态修复、安全管理等多个方向提出防治环境损伤的措施。建议今后进一步研究原地浸矿的基础理论、工艺短流程、渗流场演化和矿体强度弱化规律、重金属离子和氨氮污染的转化及二次迁移规律等,优化原地浸矿工艺。研究开发高效新开采工艺、新浸矿剂、土壤改良剂,以促进离子型稀土行业的可持续发展。 关键词:离子型稀土;开采技术;环境损伤;防治措施 Environmental damages and control measures in exploiting ion-absorbed rare earth ores of South China WEI Juan-ping,WANG Hai-ning, YAN Jiang-bo (School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China) Abstract: This paper describe the three kinds of mining technologies of the ion-absorbed rare earth, which are pool dip, heap leaching and in-situ leaching. analyzing and comparing three kinds of mining technologies from the aspects of environment destruction, resource utilization, extraction efficiency. Meanwhile, the concept of environmental damage is put forward firstly. Summarizing the possible environmental damages in mining process and classifying them into geological environment damage, air environment damage, water environment damage and soil environment damage. Introducing the causes of the environmental damages from the idea of process management. The prevention and control measures are put forward to prevent the environmental from the aspects of technologies, ecological restoration and safety management. It is recommended that further study on basic theory of in-situ leaching process, short flow, Seepage field evolution and law of ore strength weakening, conversion and secondary migration rule of rare heavy metal ions and ammonia nitrogen pollution and so on. Optimizing in-situ leaching is suggested. Searching high efficient and new exploitation technique, new leaching agent and new soil conditioner can promote sustainable development of ion-absorbed rare earth ore industry. Key word: ionic rare-earth mi


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