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补全对话;A:Hi,Gina.71 B: I am studying for my English test. A: 72 B: Yes , I am. I often get A in English tests. A: I hope I can do better in English. You know, my English is very poor. B:73 A: By studying grammer. B: I’m afraid that’s not enough. A:74 B: You should try listening to tapes. Listening is also important. A:But I think it’s too difficult for me. B: Don’t worry. If you keep listening, you will find it’s easy. A: I’ll try my best.75 B: You are welcome.;.;;;;A:Hello,Bruce! Can I ask you some questions? B:Sure,Tony. A:71______________________________? B: I love music that is loud. A:72_____________________________? B:My favorite band is Linkin Park. I enjoy it a lot. A:73____________________________________? B: I hardly listen to quiet music. It always makes feel sleepy. A: But I think quiet music can make people calm. B:74_______________________________________. But I don’t like it . A:There is a new CD shop near here.Let’s go and have a look. B:OK!75__________________________________!;A: Hi,Cindy.71_______________________________? B:Hi, Jane.I’m surfing the Internet for some information. A: let me have a look. Are you going sightseeing? B: Yes. Do you have any good suggestions? A:72_____________________________________? B: I’d like to visit a place where I can do lots of things. A: You can go to Paris. B:73_________________________.But It’s too far and I only have a five-day holiday. A: How about Hong Kong? It’s also a fascinating place. B: Sounds great! A:74_________________________________? B:My parents. A:75__________________________________! B:Thank you very much!;A:Hello, Bob!What did you do yesterday? B: I helped do something in the old people’s home yesterday. A: Really? Did you go there alone? B: 71________________________.Cindy and Nick went there with me. A:72________________________________? B:We swept the floor, took out the trash and made the bed for the old. A:73_____________________________________? B: We also sang songs for the old to ch


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