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a. If Tom ________ (be) more careful in the exam, he ________________ (pass) it already. b. If you _______ (get) up earlier, you ________________ (catch) the first train. “If” is everywhere in our life. If you were a mayor/blind/singer/ painter, what would you do? 请用“If I …”开头,写一首诗歌。写作内容如下: Step 5 Consolidation 假如我以前是世界统治者,我会使世界没有战争。 假如我现在是歌唱家,我会将歌声唱遍每一个角落。 假如我将来是个画家,我会把祖国画的更美丽。 假如我万一成为盲人,我也应该快乐地活着。 假如我成为百万富翁,我可能让穷人富裕起来。 写作要求: 1. 用五个句子表现全部内容。 2. 小组代表有感情地朗读所写诗歌。 3. 幻灯片呈现所写诗歌,鼓励学生互相修改。 writing * Teaching aim: Master the subjunctive mood(1) Teaching importance: Get students to understand the basic rules and structures of the subjunctive mood(1). Teaching difficulty: Guide students to write some sentences using the subjunctive Mood. Knowledge and skills: At the end of the class, students will be able to know the basic structures of the subjunctive mood and write some sentences using the subjunctive mood. Process and methods: 1. Ask students to discover the structures and usages of the subjunctive mood by comparing a lot of example sentences. 2. Teach students how to summarize the subjunctive mood. 3 . Practicing activities. 授课教师:罗小明 Emotion, attitude and value: 1. Get students to become interested in grammar learning. 2. Get students to understand they can do some kind things with a lot of money and they must protect the earth according to an example sentence. Teaching aids: multimedia and blackboard. Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead-in Play a song named Beautiful World before class and students sing together. (students have learnt it before.) There are several lyrics in the song like this: I wish I knew why the clouds above are so beautiful And I wish I knew why they create pictures for me and you … … Ask students to find the figure of sentences and they will find out this belongs to the subjunctive mood. “Don’t eat in class.” 祈使语


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