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China national Musical Instruments Plucked Instruments (弹拨乐器) Guzheng/ Chinese Zither 古筝 Pipa/Chinese Lute 琵琶 Plucked instrument appeared in the Qin Dynasty (221 - 206 BC) and was developed during the Han Dynasty. The Chinese Lute is a four-stringed instrument , the instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body with a varying number of frets ranging from 12–26 Chinese Lute(pipa) voice : clear, rustling, bright 大絃嘈嘈如急雨?: The bold strings rattled like splatters of sudden rain, 小絃切切如私語?: The fine strings hummed like lovers whispers. 嘈嘈切切錯雜彈?: Chattering and pattering, pattering and chattering, 大珠小珠落玉盤?: As pearls, large and small, on a jade plate fall. Chinese zither(guzheng) Chinese zither has existed since the Warring States Period(戰國時期) and became especially popular during the Qin dynasty. The ancient guzheng had 12 strings, which gradually evolved into it current forms . String Instruments (拉弦乐器 ) Erhu /Chinese Fiddle 二胡 Banhu 板胡 Bright ,painful Gentle , sorrowful Gehu 革胡 Zhonghu 中胡 Jinghu京胡 Percussion Instruments (打击乐器) Luo/Chinese Gong 锣 Chinese Wood Block 木鱼 Chime (Bian zhong) Percussion Instruments (打击乐器) With cast bronze, in accordance with the size of the order to hang on the wooden shelves Wind Instruments (吹管乐器) Di/Chinese Bamboo Flute 笛 Sheng 笙 ease?of?learning,?portability?and?inexpensiveness It is a unique solo instrument and also be used in wind band hulusi A special instrument from the Dai nationality, Yunnan province, one of the minority nationalities in china. 3 pipes,7 fingerholes.


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