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压铸模具管理及维护规范 Die-casting mold management and maintenance practices 目的:Purpose 加强压铸模管理,保证压铸模正常维护,保证压铸正常生产和产品质量、延长压铸模使用寿命、降低成本。 Strengthen of die-casting mold through normal maintenance, to ensure normal production and product quality and prolong life of die-casting mold and reduce costs. 适用范围与职责:Scope and Responsibilities 本公司所有的压铸模具管理与保养。 Die-casting mold management and maintenance. 压铸车间负责模具的日常保养; 工艺部模修人员负责模具维护及维修 Die-casting mold production flooe responsible for routine maintenance; Engineering Tooling Department responsible for maintenance and repair 3、操作程序:Operating procedures 3.1压铸模必须整齐摆放在规定区域和位置。 Casting mold must be neatly placed in a predetermined area and location. 3.2压铸模维护、保养、维修、管理由专人负责。 Casting mold maintenance, service, maintenance, management by the person responsible. 3.3压铸模验收:Die Casting acceptance 3.3.1新压铸模制作完毕,应经压铸模验收小组根据《压铸模技术条件》对压铸模进行验收,验收合格后,方可交到车间,压铸模管理员要清点浇口套、顶杆、型芯等压铸模备件,做好标识并分类存放。 New die casting shall be subjected to inspection by casting mold team according to die casting technology for die-casting mold acceptance criteria and accepted before handed to workshop. Die-casting mold maintenance team to sort and identify the sprue bush, ejector, cores and die casting parts before storage. 3.3.2因生产需要,压铸模转出或运回车间时,压铸模管理员要做好交接工作,有关人员做好验收工作。 When production needs, die casting mold transferred or shipped back to the workshop, die-casting mold maintenance team to do the transition and the inspection. 3.4压铸模档案:Die Casting records 压铸模验收合格后,必须建立《压铸模使用维修档案本》,以备定期检查、校对。 Casting mold after acceptance, must establish casting mold maintenance records” for periodic inspection, proofreading. 3.5压铸模检查:Casting mold inspection 3.5.1有冷却水的压铸模,用接自来水检查压铸模冷却水管,不应堵塞或破损。 For Die-casting mold with cooling water, check the casting mold cooling pipes with running water to ensure no blockage or damaged. 3.5.2检查压铸模滑块、顶杆、导柱等应运行平稳,无断裂、无卡滞现象。 Check the slider, ejector, guide posts, etc. to ensure they are running smoothly, no breakage and no jammed. 3.5.3仔细检查压铸模型腔和分型面,型腔、型芯不允许有碰


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