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Small gifts such as pens, business diaries, and mementos(纪念品) with company logos(商标) are usually sufficient. In America, lavish(浪费的), extravagant gifts are definitely out. An appropriate alternative to a gift is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to an entertainment or sporting event. 在美国,赠送贵重的礼物是行不通的,比较合适的礼物是带上你要感谢的朋友去赴宴或参加娱乐体育活动。 When visiting the home, it is normally appropriate to present a gift to the hostess. It is important to avoid highly personal gifts. In Australia 澳大利亚 Australia is known for its friendly informality and lack of pretence. So modest gifts, such as a business diary, a paperweight, or a coffee mug might be presented as a memento of a visit of business meeting. At a trade show, T-shirts, ties, baseball caps, or a pin may be appropriate mementos. Anything more than these types of gifts could cause embarrassment.  澳大利亚以其友好,不拘礼节及坦诚而闻名,所以在参加商务会议时,送上一个商用记事本、纸镇或一个咖啡杯再合适不过了。在商业展览上,赠送T恤衫、领带、棒球帽或者一个大头针最合适做纪念品了。若送比这些东西贵重的礼品反而会致人尴尬。 In Germany 德国 A West Virginia executive, visiting Germany for the first time, was invited to the home of his largest customer. He decided to be gallant and bring his hostess a bouquet of flowers. He selected a dozen red roses.   一位西弗吉尼亚主管第一次去德国,其最大的客户邀请他上门拜访。他想献殷勤,于是给女主人带了一束鲜花,选的是一打红玫瑰。   Oh! Terrible mistake! Social gift giving is popular and well-established in Germany but has certain dos and donts.   噢!这个错可犯大了!交际中送礼在德国早已司空见惯,为世人所接受。不过什么可送什么不可送可是大有学问的。 Flowers are often taken to a hostess of a dinner party at her home, but there are three taboos to remember: First,red roses signify a romantic interest;Second,dan even number of flowers signifies bad luck, as does the number thirteen, and Last,always unwrap the flowers before presenting them. This West Virginia was making what amounted to a pass at his customers wife.   如果晚宴设在女主人家中,常见的就是给她送花。不过有三个禁忌一定得记住:(1)红玫瑰象征着心仪对方;(2)偶数鲜花寓意着倒霉,13朵也是如此;(3)献花之前不要包装。这个西弗吉尼亚人送红玫瑰让人以为他对客户的妻子有意思呢! When visiting a German home, gifts that reflect yo


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