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如何自行定義坐標投影系統 前言: PCI Geomatiaca提供使用者可以自行定義坐標系統,欲設定 之檔案,共有 3個文字檔,設定說明與檔案位置分述如下: Ellip設定 檔案位置:geomatica_v91\etc\ellips.txt Ellips :設定橢球體大小。 “E910”,”ATS77”,6378135.0,6356750.305 • E910 (橢球顯示碼)- A unique code for the ellipsoid.This would be one that doesn’t exist already in this file. The first character would be E (or e) for Ellipsoid followed by an integer(maximum of 3 characters). • ATS77 (敘述)- A descriptive string for the earth ellipsoid. This descriptive isn’t used at present in the software but a field is expected. An empty character string could be used. • 6378135.0 (長軸)- The ellipsoid semi-major axis in metres. • 6356750.305 (短軸) - The ellipsoid semi-minor axis in metres. 產品行銷部技術暨客服處 製作 datum設定 檔案位置:geomatica_v91\etc\datum.txt Datum :設定坐標系統,包含對應橢球體與坐標軸設定 D801,ATS77,E910,0,0,0,New Brunswick,0,0,0,0 • 1. D801 (datum顯示碼 ) - A unique code for the datum. This would be one that doesnt exist already in this file. The first character would be D (or d) for Datum followed by an integer (maximum of 3 characters). • 2. ATS77 (敘述) - A descriptor string for the earth datum. This descriptor isnt used at present in the software but a field is expected. An empty character string could be used. • 3. E910 (對應橢球碼) - Field 1 of the ellipsoid record the datum uses in ellips.txt. If this is a new ellipsoid that is not supported at present, it may be defined as described in the NEW ELLIPSOIDS topic. • 4. 0 - X offset of the ellipsoid to the earth center in metres. (原點X 方向 偏移量) • 5. 0 - Y offset of the ellipsoid to the earth center in metres. (原點Y 方向 偏移量) 6. 0 - Z offset of the ellipsoid to the earth center in metres. (原點Z 方向 偏移量) • 7. New Brunswick


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