Note Writing,英语便条写作.ppt

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Note Writing,英语便条写作

Note Writing 格式:称呼不与日期同一行,日期要与结尾同一列。 署名不能用汉语拼音或打叉XXX, 位置在便条结尾的右下方。 正文第一句: I heard you were thinking of… I hear you are thinking of… I have heard you are thinking of… 正文第一句按照实际情况写, 如道歉式便条的结构安排: Personal letter: ㈠I am sorry (道歉) ㈡解释原因(理由要充分) ㈢怎样弥补(根据要求来写) ㈣Thank you Business letter: ㈠I am regretful (道歉) I am honored that …but … ㈡解释原因(理由要充分) ㈢怎样弥补(根据要求来写) ㈣Thank you 正文的结尾: 最常用: I’m looking forward to your reply. 1.邀请: Please let me know whether you can make it. 2.拒绝邀请: I hope my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience(, have fun) . 3.请假: Wish for your allowance. 4.请求: I hope this request will not trouble you too much . 5.申请: I will be greatly grateful if you would grant me a chance for an interview. 6.投诉: If you can’t give me a satisfactory answer, I complain it to the Consumer Association. 7. 道歉: Many apologies./ Do please forgive me.(进一步致歉) Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply. 8.祝贺: Congratulations again and all good wishes for your… 9.致谢: I would like to express my gratitude, along with my best wishes. 10.留言: Best wishes. Call me if you have any doubt. 11.广告、失物招领: 可以用address,telephone number,room number结尾 12. 寻找: I am looking forward to your early reply. Thanks in advance. Useful expressions: 1.?? I’m sorry that… 2.??I’m so/terribly/awfully/extremely/really sorry that… 3.???I would like to express my apologies for… 4.???I apologize for… 5.??Forgive me…… 6.???Please accept my apologies for… 9. Expressing Good Wishes Task: Your foreign teacher is leaving for his home country after teaching in your university for one year. Write a note expressing your good wishes to him/her. Key Note: (1) about the news; (2) express your good wishes Sample Sample: Dec. 20, 2012 Dear Prof. Smith, I’ve heard that you’ve leaving for US the day after tomorrow. I’ve learned a great deal from you over the past year and I feel sorry for not h


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